Late game pushing item : Objective Vampirism


New member
During close matches , there may be situations where pushing to kill the patron / weakened patron becomes difficult , especially against cautious enemies even if you kill several of them. This item would help you seal a victory.

6300 cost vitality item : Objective Vampirism

+300 health
+15% weapon damage

Passive : gives +30% bullet and spirit lifesteal on damage done to objectives only.
Shooting an objective builds up bullet and spirit resist , up to a max of 40% (4% per second ?) which lingers for up to 6 seconds.

As a result , several in team having this item could become much harder to stop in time time if they can reach an objective with enough health. They could much easier afford to ignore enemies to focus on shooting the objectives. And the more they do , the harder they become to shut down.
While the resist buff may lapse after the patron transforms , a way to avoid that would be to shoot an enemy base guardian to keep it in that interval.