Last Big Patch causing lag, stuttering, and overheating


New member
I'm having horrendous stuttering and lag as of today (November 10, 2024). I've never had this happen after a couple months of playing and a hundred hours logged. I feel like the last patch did something, as my computer is also overheating a considerable amount. My settings are set as low as they can go, and unfortunately the game is unplayable for me. Any movement on my end has 1-3 seconds of stuttering and team fights cause insane lag. Even a large group of troopers will cause the game to lag and freeze.
Restarting my computer will normalize about 10 minutes of gameplay before things start to get unbearable. A game example would be Match ID 27335401.


Computer specs
Core i9
32.0 GB RAM
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 Super
Game has become unplayable, using abilities freezes game.
Hey I actually was able to fix the stuttering and lag with this fix from youtube. I assume you have the lowest settings possible, so skip ahead to the launch properties in steam. I suspect it's the soft particle effects that are causing most of the stuttering. Hope this helps you!