
agreed. idk wtf this is - just because the new heros are even worse balanced, doesnt mean lash should get off scott free.
This is a hero who gets:
- Burst Damage
- Insane Mobility (both aggressive or passive to escape)
- A Short CD; Initiating or Finishing ULT
- Insane Reach
- Lifesteal (oh im sure we were missing some op topics)
Oh did I miss the fucking resets in movement options (which is super rare)
- Ah VARIABLE TIMED ULT, With OPTIONS to use it aggressively or passively (you do not have to follow up the slam)

Whoopsie did I miss the burst fire NEAR laser timed instant hit gun, which makes sure - even if you are not pesting the enemy in flog range you are guarantueed every fucking lasthit in the same ms ballpark?

The official guide sayy the following:

  • Some of the best gap-closing and mobility in the game.
  • Strong CC for both small and large fights.
  • Great burst damage if executed correctly.

  • Mechanically demanding and falls flat if you miss your combo.
  • Vulnerable to stuns and cc with less tankiness and HP than most melee chars.
  • Easily poked by champions with range and good spacing.
Just one question: WTF are any of those weaknesses not to EVERY HERO - there are just .2% heros who have a natural "CHANCE" (not advantage, since close range is reguired for lasthits) Like srsly, translate this text - every hero (maybe spec. aside from vindicata due to range for her ult) does not have the same problems until you get some stuff.

I have see the worst of Gun DPS wardens (like wtf is this still unbalanced - 1 min. advantage in a 8 min game = 80-150% DPS advantage?!?!?!????????
The same with lash, get him 3 kills and build for spirit, no chance to show your fuckin face near the lane.... atleast geist has to give life to burst you - this mfer has no brains and crashes into the earth to just come up on top every single time