Lash ultimate sometimes crashes multiple people -- even when watching replay


New member
Game ID: 19115250

at 32:56 I left click to throw the player I caught in the Lash ultimate and the game crashes completely for what seems like everybody around, although I'm not 100% sure.

This happens when watching the replay too.

I've had this happen the last 3 out of 3 games near or inside the base / near guardian fights. It always happens as the players go past me and start accelerating towards where I throw them, but before they touch the ground.

This last game, I crashed people 2 or 3 times, enough that we all agreed that I should stop ulting despite being CDR built. I love the hero, but don't want to keep crashing people.

As a developer, the first thing I would do, is enable debugging on the client (I'm not sure how your codebase it) and watch this replay to have the client crash until you can figure out what causes it.