Lash Gun rework idea


New member
Lash is one of the most fun heroes to play in deadlock, but their is a single part of his kit that just doesn't feel like it belongs, and thats his weapon.

Lash is a proud macho man who is believes he is superior to everyone else yet he is running around with one of the most pathetic guns in the entire game, everything about it just feels wrong, from the Nails on chalkboard sound it has to the pathetic bullet impact and offputting rate of fire, nothing about this weapon screams lash, it feels like something bebop would use.

I personally thing a far more suitable weapon for lash would be a Punchy shotgun, it makes much more sense for a literally boxing glove weapon to be a impactful shotgun, it would also synergize well with the rest of his kit.

now this would probably ruin the spiderman lash playstyle but everyone knows that the only true place for lash to be is right in the enemies faces.

Would be cool to see how it plays out if the developers decides to test this.