Lash Groundpound & Mirage Tornado Bugged Interaction


New member
If Lash activates his ground-pound (1) ability, and is hit by a Mirage tornado (1) ability, you freeze in the air.. When you finally get back on the ground, the game spams the ground-pound sfx and slows(?) your movement until you die.

So far as I can tell, there's no way out of this bug other than dying.

I don't have a video or image of it occurring, but it shouldn't be difficult to replicate as it's happened twice so far, once to me and once to a friend. There wasn't anything in common about each scenario besides the Lash and Mirage abilities. I'll update if I can get it to happen again in game.
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If it happened to you, you can get the match id from your match history and post it here or download the replay and record the bug.
If it happened to you, you can get the match id from your match history and post it here or download the replay and record the bug.
I would if I could, however opening my profile completely crashes my game. Not sure if this is a separate bug worth reporting or if it's already being investigated. Until it's fixed, though, I can't grab the match ID. Will update when able.