Lantern of Heaven ( Flashbang your Enemies... sometimes your allies.. )

Tier 2 Weapon Item.

Chargeable-Throwable Active item. It has same range as McGinnis Ultimate.
AOE Radius of McGinnis's Healing Ward.
Charging part is only for the timing of the projectile's explosion time.
Effect is like just like CSGO flashbang, Flashing ur screen + muting ur current environments' volume temporally

Will Blind your screen (probably your eyes too) by a white shining light, and it disrupt your enemy heroes' hearing.

(Such as leap wont be heard once casted while being affected by the flash and hearing disruption)

tl:dr: Time-able Flashbang. (Doesn't discriminate foes or allies)

2nd effect: Can be used to scan an area. if there is an enemy, they will be highlighted.
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