Lane Not Updating It's Equilibrium Location Accurately

Th3 Panda B3ar

New member
In my game, after our purple Walker was destroyed, it always showed that our lane was pushed out to our destroyed Walker even though there were enemy creeps getting dropped off at our gates. This resulted in us thinking everything was ok in that lane at a glance until I heard they were taking our shrine. This continued for the entire game. It looks like there's a gap in the lane where the walker was on the map where it doesn't update past/before that location.

Expected: Lane to be completely red
Actual: Lane was purple up to our destroyed Walker's location

I think this may have also affected the Shrine health notification in being grayed out. Can't remember if that was the case in game but it seems to be the case in the replay at least.

Expected: Health bar of Shrine is easily visible when getting attacked.
Actual: It was grayed out and hard to see but audio notifications were working

The Sapphire Flame Team

Walker Death @ 17:45
Shrine Attacked (Greyed out notification) @ 25:40

Match ID:
Pov: Th3 Panda B3ar (If that matters)
