Lane control hero - Dr. Jar.

New member


Dr. Jarmere Isbrant, an acclaimed scientist for his advancements in both medicine and robotic engineering, known to lead a life of success, in an effort to keep this streak going he spent the last moments of his life trying cheat death in any way he could, using leading-edge technology he managed to save his consciousness and human essence into a jar, one glaring issue, he forgot the most important part of a body transplant, a body to be transplanted to.
After this major oversight years passed quickly, but his active and brilliant mind kept devising a plan to get out of that situation, in this stage of being and un-being, between the physical and metaphysical his determination made it so with brain power alone he could control the machine keeping him prisoner, like a possession, soon enough he jumped around to just about every tool and gizmo in his lab and made himself a new temporary body, he's now in the search for a more stable substitute while broadcasting his newly found research to the masses.

General Overview.​

Dr. Jar is a robotic character with a jar of ooze at the center of his character model, he is quite large, the appearance of his chest area is reminiscent of an MRI machine with the jar controlling it symbiotically from the center, his limbs are formed of a symbiotic/metaphysical link between various types of lab equipment.

Basic Kit:
[Passive Mechanic] - "Caeteris Paribus" - Dr. Jar's rate of fire and weapon damage increases in base of his Base HP pool.
[Left Click] "Mea Culpa" - Dr. Jar shoots flames out of a makeshift flame thrower made from lab equipment - Creating a 3 meter effect radius, enemies in a 50cm radius recieve extra damage.
[Q] Melee - "Ignorantia Non Excusat" - Dr. Jar lounges or stands to deliver a melee attack.

[1] (Active) - "Divide Et Impera" Dr. Jar launches a blast of gas from his flamethrower, this deals increased knockback to minions as compared to enemy players and lowers enemy bullet defense.
When fully upgraded, the cooldown, range and bullet defense shred increase.

[2] (Chanelled Active) - "Nolens Volens" - Dr. Jar enters the mind of a candle minion, [Left Click] to swap with allied minions, [Right Click] to swap with enemy minions - This effect will end whenever the ability timer runs out, the minion is killed or [Space] is pressed. Dr. Jar will re-appear wherever he leaves the candle minion's mind.
When fully upgraded, it heals an Dr. Jar and the minion in the case of being an ally, and grants a fire rate bonus after leaving the mind of a minion.

[3] (Active) - "Mandamus" Dr. Jar creates an area of effect radius that boosts minion, self and allied fire rate.
When fully upgraded, the cooldown is greatly lowered and targetted allies gain bullet defense shred.

[4] (Ultimate Active) - "Dum Vita Est Spes Est" Using his leading-edge medical expertise, Dr. Jar brings an ally back to life with half of their max Base HP or himself at 1/4th of his max Base HP if used after dying.
When fully upgraded it lowers the cooldown of the ability, reloads the targetted ally's weapons and gives them a movement speed boost.

Gameplay end goal.​

Dr. Jar excels at lane control by making it hard for enemy minions to pass his defense, hiding amongst the crowd if things get too heated, opening a chance for a surprise attack, and by giving his allies a boost in performance in order to secure a push.
Providing support to brawlers that excel more in PvP fights but leave their minion lanes unnatended at the start, and even in the late game he can provide a buffs and a second chance to allies in the heat of battle.