Laggy area on map in most rounds


New member
So the game recently introduced a new bug for me, in most rounds I suddenly get a laggy area on the map that I can't enter without dropping to 10 FPS. Most of the times it's the enemy base after the shrines die or after the first stage of the patron is done.

I play Grey Talon most of the times, not sure if that could be the reason. After restarting the game, the error is gone.
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I've also noticed since the last update (in conjuction with the nvidia geforce drivers released on 8/20) that my framerate took a significant hit. Not sure why, either!
I've also noticed since the last update (in conjuction with the nvidia geforce drivers released on 8/20) that my framerate took a significant hit. Not sure why, either!
ditto, particularly around mid and especially on the right-hand middle lane (amber blue/sapphire orange) t1 guardian areas in the early game - it gets way worse in bases lategame though, i think due to minion density?
I noticed this during a teamfight near the base for several seconds in one game. Maybe some of the events that fire there cause more lag that it looks like they should.
same thing, here, before patch around last week I get fps drops, most of the times it's at enemy base in team fights, but sometimes it can even happen when I'm alone on lane far away from fight. So it feels like something triggers it
So I did some more testing and it is always happening when I am in the enemy base while the patron is transforming to the weaker state. If I am not at their base while this is happening, it won't lag out.