Lady Geist's Ult - hp swap does not affect enemy hp, inaccurate ult description


New member
Geist's ult description says that it swaps Hp Levels (Presumably this means current hp percentage) with the targeted enemy, but after testing it seems like the enemy that gets swapped with can never actually gain health.

Was testing in the sandbox, if you damage an enemy hero down to low hp and ult them as Geist, neither character's hp gets changed at all. Her ult's description makes it sound like the enemy should gain hp if you swap, and if Geist is full hp when swapping with an enemy, then the enemy's health should be full after swapping and Geist should be low hp.

If this is not bugged behaviour and its intended that the enemy cannot gain hp from the "health swap" then perhaps the description should be changed so its clear that you're more stealing their health than swapping with them, and the enemy does not actually gain any health in this process.
The ultimate is just worded in a very confusing manner. It is also in general a very weird and crappy ultimate for other reasons.

What will happen is that Geist will swap her health with the enemy, but never receive, and deal, less than 30% of their health. That means that if you are at 70%+ health, the enemy will lose 30% of their max health (assuming they are at 60%+, otherwise it's less), and you will be at 100% after the transaction. If your health is between 30-70% it will instead assume that value for the transfer. When you are at 1% hp, the ultimate will "only" get you back to 71%, and leave the opponent at 30% health (again, assuming they were at full health).

Good Geist players will often use this ultimate proactively, meaning it will be used comparatively early in the fight as a decent nuke/heal. When both players are very low health, the ultimate effectively does nothing.
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The ultimate is just worded in a very confusing manner. It is also in general a very weird and crappy ultimate for other reasons.

What will happen is that Geist will swap her health with the enemy, but never receive, and deal, less than 30% of their health. That means that if you are at 70%+ health, the enemy will lose 30% of their max health (assuming they are at 60%+, otherwise it's less), and you will be at 100% after the transaction. If your health is between 30-70% it will instead assume that value for the transfer. When you are at 1% hp, the ultimate will "only" get you back to 71%, and leave the opponent at 30% health (again, assuming they were at full health).

Good Geist players will often use this ultimate proactively, meaning it will be used comparatively early in the fight as a decent nuke/heal. When both players are very low health, the ultimate effectively does nothing.
This is so incredibly confusing. They need to rewrite the description soon.

So they can never go below 30% health, and you can never receive below 30% health? Is that correct?
Yea the skill description is somewhat misleading compared to how the skill actually works.

After a bit more testing with her ult, as far as I can tell it seems like there's basically 3 different cases for how her ult works;

- The enemy has less than 30% max hp. In this case ulting the enemy will cause nobodies health to change, all that will happen is the ult goes on cooldown. Geist will not gain any hp even if she's got less hp% than the enemy does.

-The enemy has more than 30% max hp, but less hp% than Geist. In this case, the enemy will lose hp equal to 30% of their current hp, but they cannot be reduced below 30% of their max hp. Geist will get healed for a flat amount of hp equal to 30% of the enemies current hp, Geist will still heal for the full 30% of the enemy's current hp even if the enemy doesn't lose that amount due to the 30% max hp limit.
Example; enemy has 310 current hp out of a max of 1000. Geist ult's them, the enemy will lose 10 hp and have their hp set to 300 (30% limit of 1000) but Geist will heal for 93 hp (30% of current hp 310)

-The enemy has more than 30% max hp, and has more hp% than Geist. In this case the ult mostly works as people would expect, both players have their current hp% swapped. The one exception is that the enemy will still always lose at least 30% of their current hp, and Geist will heal by a flat amount equal to 30% of the enemy's current hp. So if both players are close in hp% to each other, then Geist will heal more hp, and the enemy will lose more hp than expected.

Geist's healing also does seem to be affected by healing modifiers, but the damage the enemy takes does not seem to be affected by damage amplification.

Most of the weirdness from the skill comes from the fact that it has no effect if the enemy is under 30% max hp, and what happens if Geist has more hp% than the enemy does. Which really isn't properly explained by the in game skill description.