Kelvin's "desperation" voice lines for his Ice Path and his Arctic Beam are switched incorrectly

When below 20% health, Kelvin's "desperation" voice lines for using his Ice Path seem to be intended to play when using his Arctic Beam, and vice versa. (kelvin_desperation_power2_#_vsnd.c and kelvin_desperation_power3_#_vsnd.c)

His desperation lines for Ice Path have him say "I need to freeze them", "I'll stand my ground", and "I can take them!"
While his desperation lines for Arctic Beam have him say "Moving!", "We must make haste", "I need to hurry", "Lets go", and "Come with me."

These lines don't make sense in the context of their respective abilities being used, and the conclusion I've found is that they are simply assigned to the wrong abilities.

Edit: I also posted this in the bug report section because I later realized this is probably more relevant for there. Sorry for any spam!