
He's 100% going to get huge nerfs soon. We have had one single tournament so far and Kelvin absolutely obliterated it. He is currently pretty widely considered the best competitive character in the whole game by a large margin.
please 100% remove him. IF get rid of that stupid ice beam that is too long and does WAYYYY TOOO MUCH for what it is bro like i can understand his path and grenade and EVEN HIS ULT i can understand BUT THE BEAM IS IN NO WAY NESSESACRY AS PART OF THE GAME IT MAKES IT SO THE character is no only untouchable since hell literally just run circles around you while your slowed all to heck, even in team fights his slow is WAAAY TOO powerful and really unnecessary for a fair team fight (i talking a fair 6v6). I understand this sounds like me just complaining but the beam is too powerful in this game with the current characters since there really is nothing else to counter it, like honestly the only way to kill this mug is a full 6 v 1 SIMPLY because of that beam.