Kelvin Frozen Shelter Pushed Me Inside of a Building


New member
Hello. I was playing McGinnis in a match and ended up stuck inside a building. A chain of CC abilities went off starting with Singularity, then Guided Owl, followed by a Kinetic Pulse, which pushed me up a couple of meters in the air and against the building I was stuck in. Finally, a teammate cast Frozen Shelter, causing my character to clip through the wall of the building, and I was stuck from that point on inside the building. I attempted a few things to get outside of the building but could not get out. This includes hitting the Unstuck and Suicide buttons which didn't seem to work and trying to grab the zipline and leash myself through (could tether to the zipline but could not clip out of the building).
It is worth mentioning that I am positive it was caused by the Frozen Shelter, I cannot rule out that none of the previous abilities had something to do with it either.

The chain of events occurred around the 29:10 mark of the replay. Match id: 5287343
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