New member
In a match I played the other day an Infernus did a flame dash through a jungle creep and it just stayed stuck targeting and attacking the same spot that it seemingly last saw the Infernus at. This kept going for around 5 minutes until it eventually finally reset.
Match ID 114,154, Infernus ran through at around 8:40, at the camp between the yellow and orange lanes by the bridge where the urn spawns, on the Amber Hand's side of the map.
After around 20 seconds, around 9:00 on the match timer, the creep's rotation reset, but it still was shooting towards the same spot, although now out of the side of its eye.
In the image below you can see the creep targeting a spot where Infernus was, even though he is currently behind the building and to the right of that spot.

Match ID 114,154, Infernus ran through at around 8:40, at the camp between the yellow and orange lanes by the bridge where the urn spawns, on the Amber Hand's side of the map.
After around 20 seconds, around 9:00 on the match timer, the creep's rotation reset, but it still was shooting towards the same spot, although now out of the side of its eye.
In the image below you can see the creep targeting a spot where Infernus was, even though he is currently behind the building and to the right of that spot.