Item to deal with percentage based damage


New member
I've noticed that lot of the abilities people seem to complain about the most (Bebop bomb, Talon arrow, Kinetic Carbine) feel hard to avoid and rely on Improved Burst to do a huge amount of percentage based damage. Would be nice to have a 3k item that makes all percentage damage calculate at a slightly lower number or something. Could then add a minor negative spirit resist or something for more of a downside
Is this kind of like pure damage from DOTA2? It would be cool if you can't avoid it. But only a few heroes should have it and it shouldn't be easy to buff the damage done
Is this kind of like pure damage from DOTA2? It would be cool if you can't avoid it. But only a few heroes should have it and it shouldn't be easy to buff the damage done
What? Do you mean the percentage based damage? That's already in the game and it just calculates based on your current health.
What? Do you mean the percentage based damage? That's already in the game and it just calculates based on your current health.
pure damage is a damage type that ignores all resistances, and always does the same amount of damage.
I've noticed that lot of the abilities people seem to complain about the most (Bebop bomb, Talon arrow, Kinetic Carbine) feel hard to avoid and rely on Improved Burst to do a huge amount of percentage based damage. Would be nice to have a 3k item that makes all percentage damage calculate at a slightly lower number or something. Could then add a minor negative spirit resist or something for more of a downside
Bebop bomb just stay away from bebop, Talon arrow is a thing ( hard to dodge), Kinetic Carbine can be dodged not a big of a deal.
In case of bebop bomb it is easy to dodge (Dynamo, Pocket, Viscous, Ivy, Divine barier, shift).
Only valid complain in this list is Talons arrow , nothing to do with Improved Burst

Also you are missing the other view on the situation, image the damage dealer who bought Improved Burst and still does 0 damage to a tanky guy
I've noticed that lot of the abilities people seem to complain about the most (Bebop bomb, Talon arrow, Kinetic Carbine) feel hard to avoid and rely on Improved Burst to do a huge amount of percentage based damage. Would be nice to have a 3k item that makes all percentage damage calculate at a slightly lower number or something. Could then add a minor negative spirit resist or something for more of a downside
You buy spirit resist, thats how you reduce the damage.