Item Idea Compilation


New member
Just a random list of item ideas! No stats because I think that's the devs' job to come up with finely-tuned numbers that preserve balance.

Spirit Anchor
Activate to place a totem on the ground that lasts 15 seconds. If the totem expires or the item is activated again, the player is instantly teleported to the totem's location. If the totem is destroyed before activation, instantly put the item on cooldown and apply a slow / stun to the owner. Mid to late-game active item.

On death, allows the player to linger in the mortal plane for several seconds, gaining increased Spirit and Bullet Damage for the duration before dying at the end. Late-game passive item.

Activate to target an enemy and pull them towards you and reduce their stamina. Mid-game active item.

Hand of Glory
Activate to root all enemies in a radius around the player for several seconds. Late-game active item.
Alternatively, allow faster travel on the transit line permanently. Mid-game passive item.

Spirit Dust
Choose an ability to imbue with tracking dust. When an enemy is affected by this ability, coat them in tracking dust for several seconds, allowing your team to see their outline through walls for several seconds. Mid-game passive item.