Item Descriptions


New member
Hey yall,

One thing I enjoy about this game at the moment is the way items are named and described. I'm sure this is a product of its development stage, but I do enjoy seeing an item in shop simply named "Spring Booster" or "Greater Spirit Shield". It makes it easier for me as a newcomer to see at a glance what the general gist of the item I'm buying is providing for me. I'm curious if the plan for the future is to leave items this way or go more the league route where items are named "Shadowflame" or "Rectrix"? I could see how from a worldbuilding perspective the other is better, so I'm curious what yall think?
No way they are gonna do league route. Maybe dota route where everything is reference and has an actual source. But if enough people raise voice in favor of standing naming scheme they should leave it be.