[Item Concept] Unlock your potential with the legendary Agahnim's Scepter. Full Hero ability list in page.


Aghanim's Scepter_concept.jpg

Since DOTA 2's Aghanim is a multi - dimensional traveler himself , I thought his signature item would fit perfectly fine in the Deadlock universe.
To balance the item, I made it into an item with low stats and with an active that is not very useful mid-late game.
By doing so, players would have to choose between getting a good active item or sacrificing an item slot for a powerful upgrade to their abilities.

Images below are possible enhancements for every playable hero in Deadlock (2025-02-24).

Agahnims upgrade list_v2.jpg
Uhh, the Power slash execute is ULTRA broken. That literally reduces the effective health of ANYONE on the enemy team by 40%. That's stronger than Shiv's ult, and doesn't have the requirement of actually killing a target to reduce the CD. Try something more like 15% and you're getting into a range that would be OK.

That said, I like the concept of the item (and have suggested one version myself) but there are a few that I think aren't very good.

For instance, why does Calico's bombs apply reduced debuff resistance? She has no debuffs that she applies natively. That is easily the worst of all of them.

Also, I think everyone and their brother would rather Infernus's effect be on his Ignite and make it so that ALL damage he deals builds up ignite on targets. This would make it so he could go for things like Tesla Rounds, Alchemist Fire, or Cold Front more comfortably while also allowing him to punch people to burn them. Not to mention it would make it hard to ever have Afterburn fall off.
Uhh, the Power slash execute is ULTRA broken. That literally reduces the effective health of ANYONE on the enemy team by 40%. That's stronger than Shiv's ult, and doesn't have the requirement of actually killing a target to reduce the CD. Try something more like 15% and you're getting into a range that would be OK.

That said, I like the concept of the item (and have suggested one version myself) but there are a few that I think aren't very good.

For instance, why does Calico's bombs apply reduced debuff resistance? She has no debuffs that she applies natively. That is easily the worst of all of them.

Also, I think everyone and their brother would rather Infernus's effect be on his Ignite and make it so that ALL damage he deals builds up ignite on targets. This would make it so he could go for things like Tesla Rounds, Alchemist Fire, or Cold Front more comfortably while also allowing him to punch people to burn them. Not to mention it would make it hard to ever have Afterburn fall off.
On top of this, a fully charged slash from a fed yama can drop you by 40% on its on. not really difficult for yama to get someone to 40% hp.

The Calico one makes me sad. All this does is makes the next bomb to explode hit slightly hard and would max at 8 stacks if you have bombs full. After that it only effects ult and would likely fall off before bombs cd resets unless ult is also maxed and resets bombs and you can stack it beyond 8. If bombs landing was more reliable this would be fine but only good for a spirit build and so would not get purchased likely ever.

If the passives "Allows you to reactivate ult to cancel the immunity effect early" was the passive, now its purchased almost every game.