Internet disconnect then game freezes


New member
I just had a game where I received a one second disconnect. It led to me staying completely in place where I was able to look around but not play. My mates told me that I was standing in spawn and all inputs (meaning keyboard and mouse) were registered. So I was running, shooting etc. but all I could see was my frozen screen or rather me being stuck in a place.

Had to obviously try to leave and rejoin, resulted in a 5 minute ban.

Obviously in this time period my game recording tool bugged completely giving me footage of me in practise range?!?!?
Yes.. this happened to me last night and same thing happened to enemy in two random games today. For me, all experiences have happened at the very start of the game as soon as you land in lane (within 60 seconds). Also, every instance seems to be for the purple lane coming from the side that has the level 1 minion camp.