Insane ping/stuttering, requesting trace route


New member
Match 2121704. I am Shiv.

To start, it is not merely FPS drops. I don't have any significant performance issues while running this game. My PC goes above and beyond what it takes to run this game above 60 FPS. I have a GeForce 3080, Intel processor, running on Windows, yadayada.

Anyway, I played this match today and around the 5-10 minute mark, my ping jumped up to 200ms and I started to encounter network issues on what appeared to be the server side (After I quit out of the match, I immediately tested it on Phantom Forces, a Roblox shooter. 44ms ping, no issues). These issues include

- Significant delay in actions, seconds between shooting the gun and it actually impacting a target at point-blank range.
- Orbs pop in and out without their animation and with such speed that it is practically impossible to hit them
- Massive "teleportation" issues where the game would toss me in directions I never intended to go as it would take direction presses to be much longer than they were and thus course correcting only makes it worse.

In short, the server made the game so unplayable that it became impossible for me to do even basic actions like farm creeps. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the best player in the world but this netcode standard especially given this company's prior experience in making excellent shooters is completely unacceptable and whatever issue it may be needs to be nipped in the bud.

I have tested on other games and I haven't encountered significant issues with this game's network prior to the update. Deadlock is the outlier. Is there any way to investigate this on a server end? Frankly I'm so frustrated that its significantly dampened my desire to play the game and risk a ban for leaving an unplayable match.
After playing a game or two, type "net_connections_stats" into console and see what it says. May be good to send that info to valve with match ID info.
I'm not trying to brag about cost, I just didn't have the list of my specs in order and I wanted to assure people that my setup is standard/enough to play the game competently.
Intel makes processors that dont meet the requirements too so, you didn't really say anything that would prove it out.

200ms is not unplayable and reason to drop the game and affect 11 other people. Kind of entitled to come claim that this is 100% on valves end because you played a Roblox game after.

Do you understand how networking works?