Input/Movement bug

Experienced the same issue in a match earlier; even went as far as re-connecting my keyboard and changing my movement bindings mid-match. Ended up having to close/re-open game before it finally went away.
I experienced this exact bug as well. Match 33079, maybe about halfway in. I also was only able to fix it by restarting my game and reconnecting. It happened after I had entered a lot of inputs very quickly.
Match 40859
Happens to me almost immediately, I quit and rejoined and had no issue the rest of the match
Replying to add yet another confirmation of the bug. Restarting can be risky as an update can make it impossible to rejoin the match.
Bumping this, had the same issue. Attaching a video where I open a console to further verify I'm not the one doing those inputs.

Match ID: 41393

Have this bug for at least 1/3 of the match, so should be easy to see me struggling lol, killing the game process and rejoining fixed it for me.


Hey whats up yeah I also had the same problem myself! It happened at the end of my match ID: 41399

I also have a video showing off the bug after the match i training mode with some keyboard input.

Unsure what started it as well but it was pretty frustrating to run into at the end of my match, game restart fixed it as well.


I just encountered the same problem today. It feels like there is always a key pressed, which causes the character to move automatically in one direction and makes it impossible to walk in the opposite direction. The issue could be gone for a little while, but will be back after a short time. I'm not sure what triggered it as well.
This has happened to me in three matches now, and has even happened multiple times in the same match after killing the process and rejoining. So far, it's only happened to me as Haze, though I haven't played the whole roster yet.
Okay, I just reencountered this problem yesterday. I'm still unsure what triggers it, but if this happens, pressing the corresponding button (that is, if you feel like a button is constantly pressed, press it again) could fix the problem for a little while. It might come back to you very soon, though. And this isn't limited to movement buttons: reload and ability buttons can be stuck as well.
In case our devs are interested, I do have a controller plugged into my PC. Will try to unplug it and play for a few days to see if the problem is still there.
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Is there a net_graph equivalent or another live connection quality display option through the settings or console commands? If the problem is packet loss/desync related, having that display up so that I can check for ping/loss spikes around the time of the bug occuring. I tend to get the bug at least once every 1 to 2 matches, so Ill have a decent sample size of recordings.
It happened again yesterday as Abrams when I was messing around on a dedicated server hosted on the same machine I was playing on. I left through the esc menu instead of closing the game with task manager (since I didn't need to avoid abandoning), but found I still had the bug after rejoining.
Today, I unplugged my Steam Controller dongle before launching the game and it still happened (in matchmaking) as Mo & Krill.
I have been having the same issue on every match even with bots.

Match ID 71450

I fix it by pressing the Windows key and while on borderless and once I get back into the game it stops but it tends to happen multiple times during every match.

I did notice that it happened more frequently after coming down from the rails.

I can't seem to get the mouse working on replay to provide the exact time but it happens throughout the game
Is there a net_graph equivalent or another live connection quality display option through the settings or console commands? If the problem is packet loss/desync related, having that display up so that I can check for ping/loss spikes around the time of the bug occuring. I tend to get the bug at least once every 1 to 2 matches, so Ill have a decent sample size of recordings.
I am not trying to jinx myself, but I am reporting back on this to say that I have not experienced a restart-causing incident in at least a few sessions when it used to be a few times every session.

I have had input hold bugs as I exit shops or other menus, but I can fix those with the WASD spamming method above.