1. Bebops hook cancel/abort is showing incorrect button as I'm using the default SPACE button to cancel.
However, as seen in screenshot, its showing to press 3 to abort the hook. (pic 1)
Pressing 3 does nothing but SPACE to cancel/abort it works.

2. Yamato gets a prompt to cancel shadow transformation, this is however not possible, neither by clicking SPACE or 4. (pic 2)

3. During almost every ability(and some items) in the game with a duration bar in the bottom, the spell number/itemhotkey followed by a big "CANCEL" is shown next to it, might cause confusion as pressing (default 1/2/3/4/itemhotkey) does not cancel, unless you have specifically bound to press the ability/item again.
However, the appropriate button/buttons are already shown in middle of the screen next to your reticle depending on which keybind setting you have. (pic 3)

4. If you have set the keybind setting to cancel abilties on ability keypress, you still get a prompt to press the bound "cancel"(space) button. (pic 4)
The bound cancel button does nothing, only pressing the ability keybind again works to cancel.
EDIT: This seems to only be problem by changing setup midgame, and self fixes by the next game.

5. Vindictas Flight Fly Up and Viscious Goo Ball Jump both overlap with the (old) default cancel button, making it impossible to fly up with vindicta and to jump in goo ball. (pic 5 & 6)

However, as seen in screenshot, its showing to press 3 to abort the hook. (pic 1)
Pressing 3 does nothing but SPACE to cancel/abort it works.

2. Yamato gets a prompt to cancel shadow transformation, this is however not possible, neither by clicking SPACE or 4. (pic 2)

3. During almost every ability(and some items) in the game with a duration bar in the bottom, the spell number/itemhotkey followed by a big "CANCEL" is shown next to it, might cause confusion as pressing (default 1/2/3/4/itemhotkey) does not cancel, unless you have specifically bound to press the ability/item again.
However, the appropriate button/buttons are already shown in middle of the screen next to your reticle depending on which keybind setting you have. (pic 3)

4. If you have set the keybind setting to cancel abilties on ability keypress, you still get a prompt to press the bound "cancel"(space) button. (pic 4)
The bound cancel button does nothing, only pressing the ability keybind again works to cancel.
EDIT: This seems to only be problem by changing setup midgame, and self fixes by the next game.

5. Vindictas Flight Fly Up and Viscious Goo Ball Jump both overlap with the (old) default cancel button, making it impossible to fly up with vindicta and to jump in goo ball. (pic 5 & 6)