New member
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600K CPU @ 3.80GHz 3.80 GHz
Installed RAM 16.0 GB
GPU 3070ti
Hot Spot < 80 C
On a given day, I will either experience constant crashing or none whatsoever.
Yesterday and Today I played 3 games and crashed 3+ times in each one.
most recent crashing matches ID: 28549092, 28549092, 28541349
Sunday (17/11) played 16 games and did not crash a single time.
Crashes vary in type:
1. Game crash: the game will simply close, no logs. When relaunching I experience a slow UI. Minimap elements take a minute to load (they're usually instant), character will be buggy when using ziplines, I can shoot and reload but do not see my own bullets or animation. I've attempted to restart the game when this happens but the bugs stay. Animations resume normally on the next game. When this type of crash happens, the game will consistently crash in a few ways:
a) As soon as the game opens, before the menu appears, it crashes
b) Upon clicking Rejoin, and before I'm in the match
c) At some point in the match, typically within 5-10 min.
2. PC crashes: My screens will turn a solid color (white or green), my entire PC crashes and I have to restart it.
Solutions I've tried:
- All drivers are up to date.
- No heavy-duty applications running in the background or actively.
- Changed graphics settings to low, and to high.
- Changed power settings from Performance to Balanced (and vice versa)
- Verified file integrity
This does not happen with any games that I meet the requirements for, and usually not even for games I don't meet the recommended requirements for.
EDIT: I will get banned from playing when crashes are consistent. I understand that it ruins the experience of others if a player is crashing a lot but at least let us play against bots in the meantime while banned. Perhaps monitor if a player is leaving a match due to a genuine dc vs a rage-quit. ie. A player that exits the game and joins back quickly is obviously dc'ing and not throwing the game.
Installed RAM 16.0 GB
GPU 3070ti
Hot Spot < 80 C
On a given day, I will either experience constant crashing or none whatsoever.
Yesterday and Today I played 3 games and crashed 3+ times in each one.
most recent crashing matches ID: 28549092, 28549092, 28541349
Sunday (17/11) played 16 games and did not crash a single time.
Crashes vary in type:
1. Game crash: the game will simply close, no logs. When relaunching I experience a slow UI. Minimap elements take a minute to load (they're usually instant), character will be buggy when using ziplines, I can shoot and reload but do not see my own bullets or animation. I've attempted to restart the game when this happens but the bugs stay. Animations resume normally on the next game. When this type of crash happens, the game will consistently crash in a few ways:
a) As soon as the game opens, before the menu appears, it crashes
b) Upon clicking Rejoin, and before I'm in the match
c) At some point in the match, typically within 5-10 min.
2. PC crashes: My screens will turn a solid color (white or green), my entire PC crashes and I have to restart it.
Solutions I've tried:
- All drivers are up to date.
- No heavy-duty applications running in the background or actively.
- Changed graphics settings to low, and to high.
- Changed power settings from Performance to Balanced (and vice versa)
- Verified file integrity
This does not happen with any games that I meet the requirements for, and usually not even for games I don't meet the recommended requirements for.
EDIT: I will get banned from playing when crashes are consistent. I understand that it ruins the experience of others if a player is crashing a lot but at least let us play against bots in the meantime while banned. Perhaps monitor if a player is leaving a match due to a genuine dc vs a rage-quit. ie. A player that exits the game and joins back quickly is obviously dc'ing and not throwing the game.