incomprehensible mechanics of the keys in the game

social media victim

Active member
the example I showed in the video:
If you opened the sniper scope and at the same time walked in the direction of W and A (pressed keys), then you will not be able to close the scope by pressing button 4 until you press a new movement button. this definitely shouldn’t work like that, yesterday I didn’t understand what the problem was, but now I understand
I tried for a few minutes to replicate this but had no luck. Does your keyboard have a very limited amount of key rollover? Go to a key rollover website (such as this one ) and test to see if you can hold down all your movement keys and numbers at the same time.

Here is what mine looks like for example if i just put my hand down on my keyboard; every single key is independently detected.
I tried for a few minutes to replicate this but had no luck. Does your keyboard have a very limited amount of key rollover? Go to a key rollover website (such as this one ) and test to see if you can hold down all your movement keys and numbers at the same time.

View attachment 4574
Here is what mine looks like for example if i just put my hand down on my keyboard; every single key is independently detected.
I have the same as you
I think you misunderstood the essence of the bug
if you hold down the buttons, for example, W and A while pressing button 4 on Vindicta, then you will not be able to exit until you press any other button, if you can send me the video with your attempts to repeat
It seems I wasn't thorough enough.

I was unable to replicate it in the same manner you described (hitting the movement keys & 4 at the same time), however, I was able to replicate what i think was the same bug;
View attachment 2024-06-23 13-38-45.mp4

It appears to be some sort of input buffer to prevent from closing the scope on accident. In the clip I show myself walking diagonally, but you don't even need to be moving to do this. Here is how I am doing it:

1. Spam your assassinate hotkey, roughly 4 or 5 times a second.
2. If you continue spamming the hotkey, you will stay scoped.
3. If you stop spamming for a half-second or so and then press the button, it will exit the scope as expected.

From the sound in your video, it sounds like you are doing the same thing, which is spamming the input button.

The expected behavior would be for it to allow me to unscope after about 0.5 seconds after the initial scope. It seems spamming the input refreshes this 'buffer' and prevents you from exiting the scope until you slow down.

I did not experience the 'needing to press a new movement button' portion you were referring to.
you're right, in my report I only described my steps to reproduce it, I didn't understand the reasons
but what can I add: when using a new key, the buffer is updated, because of this, what happens is that even taking into account my “spam” key, the buffer was updated and I was allowed to press the key

Also, I think that this is precisely the reason why sometimes the character continues to move in a direction that has already been canceled by the user (that is, the user has already released the key, but the character continues to move in that direction without responding to new commands, I have already left this error on forum)
the example I showed in the video:
If you opened the sniper scope and at the same time walked in the direction of W and A (pressed keys), then you will not be able to close the scope by pressing button 4 until you press a new movement button. this definitely shouldn’t work like that, yesterday I didn’t understand what the problem was, but now I understand
and am not sure if it only 0,5 seconds, check my video 1 more time
Attempting to recreate this myself, you can get locked in to the scope by spamming too quickly.

- I was able to be locked into the scope beyond the first key press every time
- I was not able to recreate being locked out of movement key-presses or ability to press other buttons to escape.
- Continuously pressing the ult button does not prevent you from pressing other abilities to escape the ADS view


Attempting to recreate this myself, you can get locked in to the scope by spamming too quickly.

- I was able to be locked into the scope beyond the first key press every time
- I was not able to recreate being locked out of movement key-presses or ability to press other buttons to escape.
- Continuously pressing the ult button does not prevent you from pressing other abilities to escape the ADS view
The point here is not that I can’t exit the ult at all using other keys, but the point is that this bug is present. several others follow from it, in the message above I have already described one of the bugs that follows specifically from the bug of incorrect key buffering
It seems I wasn't thorough enough.

I was unable to replicate it in the same manner you described (hitting the movement keys & 4 at the same time), however, I was able to replicate what i think was the same bug;
View attachment 4636

It appears to be some sort of input buffer to prevent from closing the scope on accident. In the clip I show myself walking diagonally, but you don't even need to be moving to do this. Here is how I am doing it:

1. Spam your assassinate hotkey, roughly 4 or 5 times a second.
2. If you continue spamming the hotkey, you will stay scoped.
3. If you stop spamming for a half-second or so and then press the button, it will exit the scope as expected.

From the sound in your video, it sounds like you are doing the same thing, which is spamming the input button.

The expected behavior would be for it to allow me to unscope after about 0.5 seconds after the initial scope. It seems spamming the input refreshes this 'buffer' and prevents you from exiting the scope until you slow down.

I did not experience the 'needing to press a new movement button' portion you were referring to.
I looked again, you're absolutely right