Incendiary Pulse [MOVEMENT ITEM]


Incendiary Pulse - 1,250 cost Vitality Active item
+1 HP/s Regen
-10% Debuff Duration
ABILITY (30s cooldown per charge, 3 charges)
Disable usage of your weapon, skills, and other active items for 0.5s. After this, create an explosion directly in front of you in the direction you're facing, dealing 100 Spirit Damage to yourself and enemies in the blast radius, knocking you back in the reverse direction and also inflicting yourself with an Afterburn, dealing 1% Max HP per second for 5 seconds. You cannot use multiple charges at once, and you can only use another charge once you touch the ground, touch a zipline, touch a rope, or perform a wall-jump.

hehe rocket jump moment
hehe rocket jump moment
Came here to suggest some kind of rocket jump item, but figured I would check to see if anyone had already - was not disappointed!

If there was some kind of rocket jump item, then I may finally play some characters other than Viscous, but until that happens, it's slimy boi all the way. Some skill-based mobility options as active items would go a long way to making the whole roster more fun ^^