In-game intermittent crash (+restart)


New member

Since I started this game in September, I am suffering from frequent intermittent in-game crashes followed by system reboot.
Sometimes it happens multiple times in a game and makes playing this game insufferable. And it also happens in Sandbox mode.

I've seen similar issues reported on Reddit on both Intel and AMD CPUs.

I am currently using the following system:
OS: Win 11
CPU: ryzen 5700x3d
GPU: AMD rx5700
MB: Asus B450m-A
RAM: Corsair32GB 3600mhz (16 x 2)
PSU: EVGA 850W gold+ (pretty new, ~2 yo)

I should note that this issue started in September when I was using different CPU and RAM (ryzen 3600 / XPG 16GB), and it continues after I've replaced my CPU and RAM to the current one.

All the drivers are up-to-date, and I've done windows 11 clean reinstall, GPU driver clean reinstall (DDU), and the game clean resintall.
I ran OCCT/3D Marks stress test and had no problems. Historically I haven't had an reoccuring problem like this in other games.

Could you please provide me a guidance to figure this out?

I also checked this thread in the forum:

I checked any dump files in the directories and I could not find any.

No GPU undervolting. I tried and it didn't work. Everything on AMD adrenaline is default.
My in-game display settings are all low or turned off except for texture quality = MED and stretch = 80%.
I capped my max in-game FPS to 120hz.

A couple of fun things.
1) I cannot fix my display setting to use Borderless window as it keeps reverting to "Use native resolution".
2) It was really bad, but it feels less frequent (I am not sure about this) with resetting my monitor settings to default (MSI fHD 144hz monitor). A big change would be turning AMD Free Sync off.
3) When I rejoin after reboot, everything is so lagged and bugged. No minimap, can't shoot a gun, lagged... for a minute or two. I don't know if this is normal after crash..?

Hope this helps to save your time.
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Crash happens every game, sometimes two times in a game. Sometimes it results in game abandonment.
I found the dump file directory and attached it below. Devs, please at least respond below that you are working on this issue. I haven't seen any productive responses regarding this matter, and it is just frustrating.


I downgraded my AMD GPU driver (Adrenaline) from 24.10.1 to 24.9.1, and the problem disappeared so far (3 days).
Only one crash until 5 days passed, and it started to crash again. I went to 24.8.1, but it was also bad, so I came back to 24.9.1. Hopefully this is the least funky version.
It's crazy. I don't know what the F is going on. My game crashes every 5 mins. I cannot play this game. Hopefully this issue gets fixed when released.