Improved Burst CD Issues with Debuff Remover/Reducer


New member
It seems that the way the CD is tracked on Improved Burst as a debuff on the person being hit by the attack. This means that things that interact with debuffs, such as debuff remover's passive 35% debuff reduction, can alter the CD on Improved Burst. Just by having debuff remover, you can be bursted 35% faster (3.25s compared to 5s), and using its active effect will allow you to be bursted again instantly by 'cleansing' the cooldown. Additionally, other things that purge debuffs such as Viscous Cube also interact in a similar manner, which is why I assume the issue is the cooldown being tracked internally as a debuff. This interaction is almost certainly not intended, as it makes remover/reducer's ability to suppress debuffs a negative in some cases which is unintuitive.