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"Depth perception means nothing if you've got big enough shot."
Impiao is a little imp often compensates for his height and difficulty with precision aiming with comically oversized weaponry. Wielding a shotgun so largely disproportionate, he is said to have created muzzle flashes bright enough to cover entire towns, alongside setting records for recoil-induced flight. He is a legend among the outlaw community, most infamously for being a one-eyed imp and for carrying around a particularly large knife as sharp as a heckler's wit.
Weapon: Punt Gun: A two-round shotgun which sends Impiao flying backwards with each blast if fired while in the air. This can be used as an additional jump., Rightclick to instead fire both barrels at once, dealing increased damage, and creates recoil so powerful that the gun's barrel uppercut counts as a melee attack. This weapon has a slow load time and because its rounds are so big, its shots function as a surface-based AOE.
1: Scaling Knife. Impiao clings to the nearest enemy hero in front of him, performing repeated stabs that slightly force movement, dealing damage over time. This ability is channeled and can be cancelled by jumping off at any time. If no hero is available to target, instead performs a wider melee attack for a small cooldown.
2. Lamplight Blast: Impiao briefly loads both barrels for a devastating, fiery blast. All enemies within range are set on fire.
3. Oh no!: Impiao accidentaly drops several burning shells behind him, firing off a punt gun blast towards the nearest enemy after a delay.
4. Ballroom Blitz: Impiao loads a tubular magazine to his gun, mutiplying his maximum ammo count and rate of fire immensely. Firing while in the air in this state further increases knockback and deals melee damage on impact with enemies.