Idea of an invisible Sniper Hero with Grappling hook + 2 weapons

Hello! Here is my idea:

Main attack
Hero has access to 2 weapons from beginning of the game:
1) Submachine gun - Left Click (LMB) - quick fire rate, average damage, fits close combat and lane farming. Scales with Weapon damage.
2) Sniper rifle - Right click (RMB) - bolt-action sniper rifle, slow fire rate, big damage, extra headshot damage modifier, scales with Spirit damage.
When player press LMB - he shoots SMG, when player press RMB, his character starts aiming the scope of a sniper rifle (similar view as Vindicta's ultimate). If player release RMB, his characters goes back to normal view, if player press LMB, his character shoots sniper rifle. Speed between shots with sniper rifle scales with some stat. With this concept, character will be able to use 2 weapons with just 2 buttons. Sniper rifle should use multiple ammo from his weapon.
Design idea - instead of using 2 weapons, this might be single morphing weapon, which quicky morph between sniper rifle and SMG, this way it will make sense to have 1 ammo count for both modes.

1) Grappling Hook. Similar to Pathfinder from Apex, this ability will help sniper to chase enemies, or to get away from tough situations, it would also help him to get onto high spots quickly or get a short opportunity to snipe enemy, while being in the air.
Talents: a) extra grappling hook range b) lower cooldown c) higher speed while flying on a hook + additional snipe rifle damage after hook is used and extra lifesteal for SMG

2) Marked for death - passive: Your weapons apply "marked for..." stacks on your target. SMG - 1 stack per shot, Sniper rifle - 10 stacks per shot. Active: consume all the stacks and deal "...Death" damage - pure damage, which avoid all the resistances and shields, dealing damage to all marked enemies. Max: 60 stacks per target, stacks last for 6 seconds.
Talents: a) consuming stacks on targets will also heal some HP b) lower cooldown c) Amount of max stacks scales with Spirit Power. If you kill an enemy with this ability or with your sniper Rifle, your ultimate ability (invisibility cloak) immediately being recharged

3) Molotov cocktail - toss a cocktail that deals explosion damage + creates burning area which ignites all enemies inside, and after enemy leaves area, he still burns for some time.
Talents: a) lower CD b) higher DPS c) applies 25% movement slow, applies 10 stacks of "marked for..." stacks on explosion, applies 1 stack per second of burn (extra duration will increase duration of burn and amount of stacks applied to a target.

4) Invisibility Cloak. Passive: After not attacking or being attacked for 15 seconds, slowly become invisible, gaining extra sprint speed, increased regeneration speed for Spirit and Bullet shields, and ambush effect (+20% fire rate for SMG and +15% Headshot damage for the next 3 shots with sniper rifle, your weapons apply x2 amount of "Marked for..." stacks for 2 seconds).
Active: Become invisible instantly, doubling all effects above and gaining extra Spirit power and weapon damage
Talents: a) 1st Molotov from invisibility stuns all targets for 0.5 seconds and deal extra damage b) lower active ability cooldown c) faster passive cloaking speed + all bonuses scale with spirit power