I would like to see different matching between beginners and experienced players. (not an item)


New member
I don't want beginners to be matched up with experienced or advanced players.
I recently started playing this game, and I often find myself getting killed one-sidedly in lanes where my opponent is clearly good, and throughout the entire match, all of my teammates keep getting killed, resulting in one-sided losses.
I would like the matching to be at least separate between beginners and those who have played the game to a certain extent.
At the very least, I would like the matching to be separate between those who have played the game for a while and those who haven't.

Also, I don't know how team matching is done between solo players and people in teams, but I would like the matching to be separate for team and solo players.
In Overwatch and other games, teams had too much of an advantage, so I would like the matching to be separated.
- New players that are queued solo will only match with other new players until they get 4 wins.

This was implemented in the last patch (Friday)

- A 6 player party will no longer match against solo players. This may result in longer queue times for 6 stacks.

Also implemented last patch.