I want more heroes with slow fire-rates


I'm not a MOBA player, but I am a TF2 player, so I really love hit-or-miss weapons. Regardless of the abilities or playstyle of the hero, I always enjoy the heroes with a decent delay between their shots over the ones with rapid-fire guns. Abrams, Pocket, and Lady Geist each have quite satisfying guns and I only wish there were more heroes with guns like that. Every other hero in the game forces tracking aim, which I don't dislike, but I do like having more options.

Also, I bet I would really like heroes with really slow bullets akin to something like Soldier TF2's rocket launcher or the nail gun/plasma gun from quake, but by the looks of things, that doesn't seem to be what we're going for with this game.
The big issue with slow fire rate heroes is that they're inherently worse at soul capturing.

A lot of heroes can just spray and pray in the direction the soul will pop out, but characters with slow fire rates and low ammo usually have to aim and shoot at a soul, causing them to be way slower and get cucked over.

(Though I couldn't agree more, Lady Geists pistol feels SO good to use)
The big issue with slow fire rate heroes is that they're inherently worse at soul capturing.

A lot of heroes can just spray and pray in the direction the soul will pop out, but characters with slow fire rates and low ammo usually have to aim and shoot at a soul, causing them to be way slower and get cucked over.

(Though I couldn't agree more, Lady Geists pistol feels SO good to use)
From my gameplay it seems soul capturing is only frequently used near the beginning of matches. I think this problem is mostly solved by being in a duo lane with a player that can capture for you more consistently.
I wouldn't consider it a necessarily bad thing that a hero would be capture dependent on another player early-game, especially with the assumption that they would have a higher hero damage output as a trade-off.
The big issue with slow fire rate heroes is that they're inherently worse at soul capturing.

A lot of heroes can just spray and pray in the direction the soul will pop out, but characters with slow fire rates and low ammo usually have to aim and shoot at a soul, causing them to be way slower and get cucked over.

(Though I couldn't agree more, Lady Geists pistol feels SO good to use)
And this is a seperate issue. They need to do something about this, imo, or laning will be super annoying. Ivy can just stand and spray and pray above creep heads, meanwhile Kelvin cries in a corner.

The least they can do is make the orbs have a damage threshold or range threshold.
I wouldn't consider it a necessarily bad thing that a hero would be capture dependent on another player early-game, especially with the assumption that they would have a higher hero damage output as a trade-off.
Oh yeah absolutely, It really comes down to what the dev's are looking for in each hero.
If they want each hero to be capable of solo laning? That could be a bit of a problem, but I absolutely agree otherwise.

I actually really liked this suggestion:
I'd like a hero with an actual sniper rifle, with maybe a sidearm to use for last hitting
It'd be so cool if it was like, a sniper rifle and one of the ability slots was taken up by a fast firing side arm you could swap to with no cooldown
Games like League of Legends play around with that idea a lot, I love it
I'd like a hero with an actual sniper rifle, with maybe a sidearm to use for last hitting
Yeah, that's why I love vindicta despite her higher fire-rate. Whenever playing as her, I base my entire build around her ult cooldown, damage, and charges so I can maximize how often I can use it. It may not be the most viable build, but it's the most fun for me.

I wouldn't consider it a necessarily bad thing that a hero would be capture dependent on another player early-game, especially with the assumption that they would have a higher hero damage output as a trade-off.
Yeah that's what I thought we were going for, although I do worry about two co-dependent characters being very oppressive against two self-sufficient characters in the early game. I guess that's what the intent is though considering the existence of Ivy's "Watcher's Covenant" ability.

On an unrelated note: I just discovered that Yamato has a secondary fire that throws slow projectiles with a slow fire-rate, so I'm gonna try that character out.