Hunter's Aura Stacking Bug


New member
I wanted to test how Hunter's Aura works if multiple enemies have it, and it's a bit bugged. It works correctly initially, assuming the effect doesn't stack with multiple Hunter's Aura's on the same team. But when you leave the radius of both of the enemies with hunter's aura and only go into one of their spheres of influence, the game reads the Hunter's Aura as half the effect, even though it should be full. It's almost like the game is counting a fellow teammate as an enemy with Hunter's Aura to lower it's effect. Althought I'm not really sure why it's behaving that way--I took a clip to show what I'm seeing. The two wraiths only have Hunter's Aura as items.

It doesn't bug out in any other way I can tell. Small bug but I figured I would report it. No idea if it's only in sandbox mode as it'd be almost impossible to notice mid game.

