Holliday Bounce Pad patch damage bug


New member
The monday patch completely broke the height on the Bounce Pad damage, like unless you are EXACTLY even it NEVER hits now. The patch was meant to make the stomp hit people during Lasso, which it occasionally did before but it was very inconsistent. However, after quite a bit of testing I could not get the new stomp to hit a single time during Lasso. And now it does not do any damage if your opponent has any elevation above or below you in matches. Ledges isn't the problem, if I bomb someone or they simply jump, stomp will always miss.

My only problem with how they do patches in Deadlock is that they never even attempt the fixes(good 2nd example is Bebop ally bomb). Because the fix DOES NOT work even for its intended problem. Instead, you now have 1 trillion more problems. Granted, those problems sort of solve how overtuned Holliday is as of right now, but it feels bad when it's an unintended and untested bug

