Hitting soul orbs immediately as they spawn consistently causes them to disappear but not get secured


New member
If you hit a soul orb the moment it spawns, it will appear as if it was destroyed and secured, but will instead be invisible and unsecured. Other players can still see the orb and deny it. The timing is relatively wide, enough to be consistently reproducible with melee secures. This issue is particularly noticeable when attempting to deny souls with the more responsive melee securing from today's patch fixes.

Been happening to me consistently and incessantly on Dynamo, but I don't think it is tied to any one or multiple heroes. Really sucks because these denies are often the difference between winning and losing lane. If I had to take a guess, it might have something to do with region ping or the buffer it takes the server side of things to calculate who hit the orb (90ms if I remember?).