High Caliber (Increased Bullet Damage/Range, Heavily Reduced Fire Rate)


New member
High Caliber
+6 Bullet Damage
+20% Weapon Fall-off Range
-120% Fire Rate

The idea here is that certain heroes or builds would be able to capitalize off of having much high base bullet damage more so than a high fire rate.

The most prominent use case in my mind would be Paradox. He could use this item, combined with other weapon damage items, to get his bullet damage quite high, thus making his Kinetic Carbine significantly stronger.
Other heroes that most obviously could use this item are shotgun heroes, allowing them to lean in to a more 'peek heavy' and less 'spammy' play style.
Heroes with alternate fire (Currently Shiv, Viscous, and Yamato) could use this as well to lean into their alternate fire's burst damage potential.
McGinnis with her scaling fire rate could likely heavily capitalize off this item with enough compensatory Fire Rate items to mitigate the downside.
The increase in Weapon Fall-off Range is an important feature here, as it also serves well to open up a more 'accuracy focused' long distance play style for those characters that would much prefer it such as Grey Talon and Vindicta.

The exact values above are just examples of what it could look like. Obviously there'd be a fine line for balancing such an item, especially relative to price.
As for item pricing, as it is a 'build around' type of item it'd make sense for it to be somewhat cheap. Maybe 1,250 souls. Though, it is likely a powerful item for the right build so it costing more, 3,000 souls, would be reasonable too.

Let me know what y'all think! Thanks everyone. :)
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