Heroes with less aim-dependent guns


New member
Deadlock's drawing players from both shooters and MOBAs, but requires players to have a grip of the core skills of both to really click.

It's impossible to avoid having to learn MOBA fundamentals, but giving players without interest or skill in aiming some more hero choices that let them perform well without relying on clicking on heads would make the game more appealing to players who love the MOBA part but aren't into shootin'.

Rocket launchers? Homing guns? The ol' flamethrower?
Basically just asking for characters with non-precision guns. Also nice for gameplay variety!

(Balancing more varied weapons for laning is a challenge, but I believe in you! You can do it!)
I think there are plenty of characters in the game currently that perfectly encompass the need for less aim. Mainly characters that have weak guns and strong abilities. With most abilities being aoe or click on/near targets, its better to focus on that instead of trying to shoot guns when you cant aim well.

This is comming from someone with serious health issues. When im having a bad day, i fall back to characters with AoE abilities to deal damage and get things done for the team... but when im having a decent day i want to shoot heads and actualy use a proper gun. For me Deadlock perfectly scratches that itch of both casual and high skill gameplay.
It would not be fun to play against players with rocket launchers when i finaly have one of those good days.
the funny thing is ,you never see anyone use yamatos secondary fire, and thats basically a rocket/grenade launcher.

maaaybe though there is room for a flame thrower. Would probably be too strong, but at least as an ability it should be fine
Theres one Character in development, Thumper, who has a rocket launcher, although I think he can still do headshot damage on direct hit, so it will be interesting to see how they balance that... You also have to consider how such weapons would interact with items, or if some characters wouldn't even be able to buy certain weapons. I'd personally be fine with that, but i'm guessing they're trying to standardize the game first.

I'd really like to hear about their design philosophy for future weapons, and if they're considering less standard weapons.
the funny thing is ,you never see anyone use yamatos secondary fire, and thats basically a rocket/grenade launcher.

maaaybe though there is room for a flame thrower. Would probably be too strong, but at least as an ability it should be fine
It's bugged and does not scale properly with conditional items. Its only good early game.
there are a lot of shotguns arent there?
I think the homie wants a good ol' Winston tesla gun. Think entirely about positioning, think nothing about aim. I dunno if you'd ever get something with that wide an arc, but I wouldn't mind a hero that's in the ballpark of arc-damage. Arctic beam is sortof there now.
I think the homie wants a good ol' Winston tesla gun. Think entirely about positioning, think nothing about aim. I dunno if you'd ever get something with that wide an arc, but I wouldn't mind a hero that's in the ballpark of arc-damage. Arctic beam is sortof there now.
i think we get into hard to balance or play/play around territory if we get into unmissable guns. its always either AFK not fun gaming (Yuumi from LOL), not really useful (you need to be able to Last hit). maybe some sort of smoke/poison would be ok?, but i think a Winston Dome isnt really going to have enough skill expression/ be fair to deny last hits against
OG Symmetra beam gun type thing, plox.

i think we get into hard to balance or play/play around territory if we get into unmissable guns. its always either AFK not fun gaming (Yuumi from LOL), not really useful (you need to be able to Last hit). maybe some sort of smoke/poison would be ok?, but i think a Winston Dome isnt really going to have enough skill expression/ be fair to deny last hits against
It wouldn't be that big a deal, just make it weak and require line of sight. Boom.
I think the homie wants a good ol' Winston tesla gun. Think entirely about positioning, think nothing about aim. I dunno if you'd ever get something with that wide an arc, but I wouldn't mind a hero that's in the ballpark of arc-damage. Arctic beam is sortof there now.
Exactly what I meant, yeah, tho it's obviously a sliding scale from "precise weapon that relies on headshots" to "winston's point-approximately-towards-baddies".

And to be clear, I personally don't mind some aiming, I love me a revolver or shotgun. But the people who would want to enjoy the strategy and positioning side of the game without the aiming side are unlikely to be giving feedback here (as I suspect with the current way of things they're unlikely to be playing), so I'm throwing in a word for 'em.

And I also just love variety, so I also win if we get a buncha weapons with very different gameplay styles. Sometimes I don't wanna aim, and even Viscous does really benefit from landing some shots regardless of your build.
OG Symmetra beam gun type thing, plox.

It wouldn't be that big a deal, just make it weak and require line of sight. Boom.
bebop has a beam. we also got a turret hero. the issue with even a line of sight hero is that farming denying is going to be some real pain- even if they have to have a super small dome, you could deny so much farm and make your own farm unable to be denied, with such a high skill floor. you'd have to bully them from wave one, or the hero would have to have way less HP to stop regen/HP stacking from making a lane unfarmable
bebop has a beam. we also got a turret hero. the issue with even a line of sight hero is that farming denying is going to be some real pain- even if they have to have a super small dome, you could deny so much farm and make your own farm unable to be denied, with such a high skill floor. you'd have to bully them from wave one, or the hero would have to have way less HP to stop regen/HP stacking from making a lane unfarmable
To be fair denial mechanics in a variant-weapon game is a whole different debacle. Thankfully coding exists and INI files can be edited to change allowances.
bebop has a beam. we also got a turret hero. the issue with even a line of sight hero is that farming denying is going to be some real pain- even if they have to have a super small dome, you could deny so much farm and make your own farm unable to be denied, with such a high skill floor. you'd have to bully them from wave one, or the hero would have to have way less HP to stop regen/HP stacking from making a lane unfarmable
That's why I said "OG Symmetra" because Bebop's beam is NOT like hers was. I was SPECIFIC! :D

As for denials, you need ammo. So make it have less ammo than other guns because you obviously can't secure/deny while reloading. Balancing exists!