Hero Variety problem


New member
Obviously our only weapon variety in the game right now is guns, shotguns, etc, with a few exceptions. Valve before has nailed projectile characters in TF2 with soldier and demoman. With the verticality that exists in this game skill mechanics like rocket jumping or sticky jumping could be an amazing addition. Even with easier versions of these mechanics such as in Overwatch with pharah push and junkrat mines that allow you to reach high spaces and damage enemies.

What’s y’all’s takes on explosive based projectile characters?
There's an unreleased hero named Rutger that has rocket jumping. IMO, there's endless possibilities and massive room for mechanic expansion (more expensive movement items, melee items, etc). So we'll see.
I believe Rutgers rocket is an ability - don't quote me on that though.

I'd really like characters with explosives for their primary weapon. It'd also open up a new avenue for explosive specific items - bullet upgrades that give blast radius, for instance.
There's a bunch of unused heroes who have some really cool abilities, although not explosive they do add some verticality to the gameplay. There is Viscous, a slime man who can make sticky fluid all over the ground that slows down enemies, and this fluid is also bouncy and deals damage.
Since it can bounce it can go all over.

As other mentioned Rutger has a rocket launcher and can rocket jump.
There is a shark man called Slork who has a grenade launcher.

Astro/Holliday is a Sheriff girl who can place a bounce pad so herself and others can bounce in the air.

Kali is a lizard hero who can leap and throw a boomerang.

I think when more heroes like these are implemented, your concerns will be addressed.