Hero priority


New member
Out of last 64 games i have had haze 8 times as the only priority hero of mine.The queing is broken i would rather sit in a longer que then be forced toplay characters i dont want to play and lose. Im on brink of quiting the game as most of the community have done. There have been instances i haven't had the character i have prioritized for 2 days that wrong..
Out of last 64 games i have had haze 8 times as the only priority hero of mine.
There have been instances i haven't had the character i have prioritized for 2 days that wrong
She's been the highest pick rate hero, even during patches where she was straight up unplayable. That's pretty expected.
.The queing is broken i would rather sit in a longer que then be forced toplay characters i dont want to play and lose.
Sure, but would you be willing to wait hours? Never mind everyone else not queuing for haze. They'd also have to wait out longer queue times if even a fraction of haze one tricks in their mmr range had that option enabled while queuing.