Hero Idea: Ykos - the Forest Ranger


New member

Lore - Upstate NY forest ranger that combined with a wolf after that big event thingy happened.

Weapons.- Two sawed off shotguns. 3 barrels each. Starts with 6 rounds. One in each hand. Barrels should sit back a bit on the stock to give the appearance of two large claws. Slow deliberate rhythm of shooting.

1). Pack Attack - Ykos summons 2 spectral wolves to run forward, bite the enemy once, and then return. Restores a portion of the damage dealt as health. Benefits from Sharpened claws. Spectral wolves travel along the ground starting from Ykos hip. If he is airborne it travels forward at it’s normal speed until it lands then it travels on land again. Wolves can leap to reach their bite at the end of the travel and double jump. Regardless of whether the attack lands or misses they always returns. They can move around ground objects as they run (or phase through them).

2). Howl - strikes fear and reduces movement speed and/or damage of all enemies in an aoe. Cast time is instant. Removes ability to shoot or melee during animation. Hero should have an overtop visual animation for howl. Duration is not determined.

3). Sharpened Claws - passive - Gun damage has a % chance to cause bleed, melee attacks always cause bleed. Bleed damage based on damaging source. -

4). Shapeshift - Guns are lost for a full mele form. Gain movement speed, additional melee range, melee damage increased by a portion of gun damage, mele attack speed increased by a portion of fire rate, and a some damage/status resistance (after all, werewolves can only be stopped by silver bullets), Light melee is unable to be parried. Charged melee is parried as normal. Ideally this would also incorporate a shift from day to night as well to alert enemies that a werewolf is on the loose..I envisioned something simple like a darkened sky with a moon prominently displayed and perhaps exterior lighting dimming for that short period of time.
I like the thought you put into this character's aesthetics and animations. His wolves ability is pretty sound. My only question is, why two wolves when one will accomplish the same thing in hypothetically 99% of situations? That might make more sense if they can be destroyed, which would add interest to the spell, I think.

I'm liking elements of the ultimate. I think if day turns to night, that should somehow be a major aspect of this spell. The transformation into a ravenous melee attacker is pretty cool--the resistance to bullet damage is even cooler. What if ghosts periodically summoned at the location of enemy heroes for the duration of the night? That's kind of where my mind goes.
Love the idea!

Although It's not entirely clear how the wolves attack interacts with terrain and obstacles. While they can phase through objects, the idea of leaping and double-jumping could lead to confusion about when and how they land hits, especially in complex environments. It might be helpful to streamline their behavior. Also the ability to heal based on damage could be very powerful, depending on the numbers. Ensure that the healing scales appropriately so that it doesn’t make the character overly resilient, especially when combined with other leech items.

The shapeshift ability could also do wonders. But While gaining damage and speed is great, losing the ability to use guns might feel restrictive or even detrimental in certain situations. Consider adding a slight ranged capability during the transformation or perhaps a way to revert early if needed. Sometimes speed just isn't enough to catch your prey in this game.

Would love to see such character in game though, keep it up! ^^
I like the thought you put into this character's aesthetics and animations. His wolves ability is pretty sound. My only question is, why two wolves when one will accomplish the same thing in hypothetically 99% of situations? That might make more sense if they can be destroyed, which would add interest to the spell, I think.

I'm liking elements of the ultimate. I think if day turns to night, that should somehow be a major aspect of this spell. The transformation into a ravenous melee attacker is pretty cool--the resistance to bullet damage is even cooler. What if ghosts periodically summoned at the location of enemy heroes for the duration of the night? That's kind of where my mind goes.

Because he copy pasted Lycan from DotA, who has 2.

Because he copy pasted Lycan from DotA, who has 2.

Originally I conceived of it as a single wolf however the name Pack Attack made me think it should have multiple wolves. TBH it was the last change I made prior to posting and if you have a better name for it I'd love to hear it.

All ideas come from somewhere. To say its copy pasted is reductive and doesn't contend with the fact that clearly a few of the playable characters have analogues in DotA.

Also, these are just ideas and my first idea at that. I do have others I'm cooking but I don't feel they are quite ready yet. These are in no way meant to be fully fleshed out complete heroes and I would hope the community at large understands this as well. If history is evidence then we should expect implementation of community heroes to differ from their original pitch. It would be helpful if you actually contributed to the discussion instead of crap comments.
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While they can phase through objects, the idea of leaping and double-jumping could lead to confusion about when and how they land hits, especially in complex environments.
It is hard to translate this idea in particular. I wanted it to be low damage and to not be disrupted by terrain interactions. The opponent would be able to dodge it by expending extra stamina however. Which may leave them open to be run up on by Ykos. Hope that helps clarify.

Genuinely surprised I got so many responses to this idea on the whole and appreciate your feedback.
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