Hero Idea: White Rabbit


New member
Alice in Wonderland is in the public domain, and I think its weird supernatural vibe could make a fun addition to the world of Deadlock. A fictional character brought to life by the same paranormal forces that animated Ivy, resurrected Vindicta, and unleashed the Patrons. Perhaps an escapee from Haze's OSIC, the White Rabbit is always in a rush, his wish being to return back to the pages of his book so that he doesn't miss his "very important date". Alternatively, he could have adjusted well to the hustle and bustle of New York, getting a job that both references his status as a servant to the Queen's court in the book and allows for fun character interactions with some of the other heroes: a lawyer. Maybe on retainer for Pocket's Fairfax Industries, the prosecutor that locked away Seven, or a friend or rival to Abrams' detective investigations.

Gameplay-wise, I see him as an initiator/ganker whose tankiness is temporary, filling a similar role to Ivy and Kelvin but less sustainable in longer fights in exchange for more burst power. Four stamina, a fast default run speed, but perhaps higher damage per shot + slower fire rate to differentiate him. And for abilities:

(1) Pocket Watch: The rabbit spins counterclockwise, swinging his pocket watch in an AOE around him, dealing damage and turning back the clock, undoing a portion of damage received in the past few seconds, like Faceless Void's Time Walk in Dota. For flavour, the pocket watch the rabbit carries could be quite large, and used as his melee attacks.

(2) Hop: The rabbit jumps forward towards a targeted creature and bounces off their head, dealing damage. The target creature is kicked in the direction the rabbit is facing when he kicks, meaning you can kick an enemy away or spin your view around during the jump to kick an enemy towards your team in waiting. This could maybe be used on allies as well to help them get in or out of danger, although there's a possibility for griefing there.

(3) I'm Late: The rabbit gains a large amount of runspeed for the duration. Maybe fire rate too, he's gotta clear the path.

(4) Eat Me (Channeled): The white rabbit eats a bite of cake and doubles, or maybe triples in size and HP for the channel duration. The rabbit can walk, with each step creating a small shockwave of spirit damage around him. When the channeling ends, the rabbit's current HP is halved/divided by 3 again. God knows how this would work with his Pocket Watch ability, but I'm sure something could be figured out.

Upgrades could be centered around increasing survivability with cooldown reductions, range upgrades, etc. I think this character would scale pretty poorly in the lategame with itemisation but the powerful earlygame laning and ganking ability could lead to snowballs that offset his weaker scaling.

Thanks for reading. This game is very cool!
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