Hero Idea: The Lamplighter - Utility/Vision Control


New member
The Lamplighter is a utility/control character with a kit heavily rooted in area denial and vision control. They recently moved to Cursed NYC from Befouled London, and they're looking forward to a lifestyle upgrade.

Primary attack: The Lamplighter uses a modified Victorian-era gas lamplighter's stick to shoot fireballs at the enemy. These fireballs build up stacks of "ember".

Right-click (alternate attack): The lamplighter's staff emits a short-range blast of flame, consuming several units of ammunition and detonating any "ember" stacks built up on an enemy for additional burst damage.

Ability 1: "Lantern Lobber" Lamplighter throws a gas lamp at a target location, it bursts on impact leaving behind an AOE zone of fire for a brief period. Leveling this increases its AOE, the time the zone lingers for, and the damage + an extra lantern charge at the final level.

Ability 2: "Heroic Hook" Lamplighter bravely dashes forward, the hook on his lamplighter's staff extended ahead, if he hits an enemy during this dash they are pulled back to lamplighter and briefly rooted. Leveling this grants Lamplighter a small shield on the dash, reduces the cooldown, and extends the range.

Ability 3: "Lingering Lanterns" Lamplighter places a gas lamp at a target location. This lamp has a roughly one-minute lifespan and provides vision of a wide zone around it, this zone is impacted by line-of-sight. Future levels grant an additional charge, reduce the cooldown, and increase the gas lamp's health pool. Possibly at max level, the lanterns could also provide a mild AOE healing buff for allies around them.

Ability 4: "Who Turned Out the Lights?" Lamplighter turns off the lights for the enemy team, dramatically reducing enemy vision range for a brief period. Future levels reduce the cooldown, increase the lamplighter's range and attack speed during the ult, and increase the length of time the ult affects the enemy team.

Thoughts? I feel like a vision control character has a place in this game, but I wouldn't want them to be either so strong that they're a must-pick/ban, or so weak that they exist simply as a ward-bot and no one wants them on their team since their utility just isn't worth the overall loss of teamwide DPS.