Hero Idea: The High-Roller (Casino Invoker, slot reel ultimate)


Active member
Gameplay concept: A deadlock interpretation of one of the most famous kits in the genre (invoker) as well as one of the most requested themes (gambler). I saw a few other gambler concepts drawn up here but figured I'd give a shot at it. Liberally inspired by Setzer from Final Fantasy 6 (gambler weapon motif of coin toss, darts, dice, playing cards, and the slot reel ability ultimate). The play-style of this kit follows the general play-style of dota invoker: ranged harass and pressure. In addition to being a very solid kiting kit, he has abilities based around the killing blow and unsecured souls mechanic in Deadlock.

Hero Design: Could be your usual southern gentleman card-shark type, a demonic soul dealer (because of the soul mechanics), a chaos magician with a crippling gambling addiction, Nick from L4D with a TF2 gibus, etc.

Default fire: A gun
Alt Fire: Toss out a ghostly coin applying a random damage amp to a struck enemy (min:3%-max:15%) for a few seconds. Converted from the hero's unsecured soul count (say, 50 each) to keep this potentially very powerful ALT fire on a short leash in laning. Meant to be used as a combo finisher for his Jackpot ability.

Ability 1 Bloody Cards
36sCD 2.5s debuff duration
Shoot a swarm of magical playing cards in front of you, damaging and pushing back the enemy."

1. -CD reduction
2. +width increase
3. Knocks back targets even further applying disarm.

Concept: AKA Invoker's Deafening blast. The unreliability of the ultimate (unless you're good at slots) means there is a need for some consistency in their overall kit, so these abilities are directly modeled on invoker's kiting playstyle. A strong catch-all ability that would benefit a gun/spirit carry or a tank wanting some peel. Visually, the character sends forth a wave of enchanted playing cards.

Ability 2 Loaded Dice
26sCD 1.5s debuff duration
Toss a pair of loaded dice at an opponent, dealing damage and applying a random on-hit effect. This will also bounce to the nearest enemy hero repeating the process.
Effects: Fire rate slow, Movement Slow, Sleep, Silence

1. +1s duration
2. +1 bounce
3. Fire rate levels up to Disarm, Movement slow becomes stun, Curse added to possible random effects.

Concept: Yes, it's the witch docta cask. Another very good basic kit ability, this time it applies random on-hit effects unique to Deadlock, only getting more powerful with the lvl3 upgrade. Set up ganks or (hopefully) defend yourself or your team from one with this. The first ability I thought for this was just Haze's sleep dagger in the form of a dart that applies a random disable, so that's another potential alt. ability if witch docta cask is too strong.

Ability 3 Jackpot!
- Higher thresholds of unsecured soul count grant ammo, spirit power, and health regen bonuses."
- Press (3) to charge up your gun for a powerful close-range mystical shot. Finishing off an enemy with this as a killing blow will increase your soul reward by a random amount (min: 5% to max: 25%). Activating Jackpot requires unsecured souls and has bonus damage on enemies with high unsecured soul counts."
1. +1 hp regen when first unsecured soul threshold reached.
2. +bonus charged shot damage on enemies with high unsecured soul counts
3. Soul bonus reward on killing blows increased (min:10% - max: 35%).

Concept: Meant to be tied with the coin toss ALT fire, this is a sustain and bonus damage passive based on unsecured souls, giving some sort of bonus for unsecured soul thresholds reached. However, when activated, this is a powerful up-close single target finisher that gives bonus soul on killing blows...so getting KS'd is a real thing with this kit :D. What's the point of a gambler character with no actual gambling in the kit? Requires/takes up any unsecured souls at all, so this character will be able to do ghost coin finisher combos with at least 51 souls, a light-ish requirement. The bonuses are mostly theoretical, but would hopefully enable any type of build in the game, gun carry, spirit caster, tanky roamer, etc. The bonus damage on heroes with big orbz is meant to encourage a sort of jungle gank playstyle as well.

Ability 4 - High Roller
Summon a rolling single slot reel that has six different slots to land on. Press (4) again to make your choice. Each slot has two spells to cast from, choose with (1) or (2).
After 7 seconds the slot reel will randomly select for you. After 10 seconds, the available spells will disappear if no choice is made."

Skull Slot - LVL? Doom/Zeus Thundergod's wrath - The ultimate ability slot for either single target elimination or finishing off the enemy team.
Heart Slot - Dazzle Shallow Grave/Dazzle Shadow Wave - Healing abilities.
Ghost Slot - Invoker's Ghost Walk/ D. Willow Shadow Realm - Ghostly trickster abilities.
Mirror Slot - D. Seer Wall of Replica/Chaos Knight Phantasm - Phantasm abilities.
Bicep Slot - Sven God's Strength/Alchemist Rage - Self buffing abilities (deadlock interpretation would probably be free unstoppable active or high movement speed with hp regen)
Sad Face Slot - Global Silence/ LVL? Doom...on yourself :( - Wild card slot with potentially disastrous results...and you don't get to make a choice, the game chooses randomly for you!

Concept: Inspired by Setzer's Slot ultimate ability from Final Fantasy, this is a rolling slot reel ultimate with various spells available depending on how good you are at the reel. In that RPG series, it's actually a real three slot-reel gamble, but for DL gameplay purposes it would be a single slot reel more similar to something like Mario Kart. I love the new Magic Carpet item so I figured this wouldn't be too entirely wacky of a concept for Deadlock :D. For the first 2 seconds the reel would be spinning too fast for the player to predict, making it a genuine gamble in the heat of a team-fight, gank, whatever. If the player is prepping for a play or hoping for something in particular, it would slow down to enable that. 6 slots would enable 12 spells available for the player, matching that of Dota's invoker. All of these are just theoretical spells taken directly from Dota, so don't mind how humorously overpowered it would be. The idea is that a certain amount of random chance would justify the extreme potential of the spell suite. Visually, the slot could over appear over the character's head so everyone can see what's he rolling, or perhaps it could just show up near the avatar UI toward the top so every player can see when the ultimate is active and what he's rolling.
I think his primary fire should be throwing sharpened playing cards instead of having a gun, but other than that I love the idea of a gambler character. If you're set on a gun though, maybe a derringer? Those have an association with gamblers.
I was thinking of a default fire like magical playing cards (Gambit from Marvel), but thought that would be a bit cliche. I appreciate the feedback.
...made a flub with the CDs on two abilities, the wave clear should be 22s~CD. can't edit, so here's an update.
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Nah, it's a well-loved aesthetic that's lacking in shooters.

That's true. I went with gun mostly because of the charge-shot idea on the third ability; if we're going with magical cards as a default fire I'd come up with an entirely different ability...something like a randomized bonus on the default (bonus bullet lifesteal, bonus WD, bonus spirit, whatever) in addition to a temp AOE splash (like full rage shiv daggers).