Hero idea: Nasty & Tasty duo


New member
So here's my pitch.
It's a hero that is actually 2 hero in trenchoat disguise.

Gun: M1 would be low range smg, M2 would be low range shotgun.

1st ability: Throwing net. Would work kinda like Vindictus stake where it would tether people on place.

2nd ability: Throws Nasty at enemy. While thrown it mirrors players inputs, going forward makes him come towards you and so on. While thrown activating 2nd ability again will recall him (or being close enough each other will morph back to inital form). While thrown player will be able to shoot with both of them.

3rd ability: Throws Tasty at enemy. Same thing, but instead of throwing the shotgun guy would throw the smg guy.
2nd ability wil recall.

While seperated 3rd ability would activate beam between the 2 damaging anyone between them.

4th ability: Secret trenchcoat rocket!
Turns the player into a rocket that allows flight. Could be used as escape or potentially going deep in doing massive dmg.
Initial take off would cause burn dmg in the area.
Fun concept, but I think it could benefit a whole lot from some more thought/refinement of ideas, like for example, when you throw out a guy, thatd mean your whole character would grow smaller, and since they're being thrown, what about collision? What about aiming up? does that make the throwable guy aim down? if so all the enemy'd have to do is gain some sort of highground and theyd counter 2 of your abilities automatically, the whole "it mirrors your moves AND can shoot at folks" is kinda impractical in a 3d environment. I think if you were to take your concept and think about ways to make them work realistically in-game, you'd have a really solid concept
Fun concept, but I think it could benefit a whole lot from some more thought/refinement of ideas, like for example, when you throw out a guy, thatd mean your whole character would grow smaller, and since they're being thrown, what about collision? What about aiming up? does that make the throwable guy aim down? if so all the enemy'd have to do is gain some sort of highground and theyd counter 2 of your abilities automatically, the whole "it mirrors your moves AND can shoot at folks" is kinda impractical in a 3d environment. I think if you were to take your concept and think about ways to make them work realistically in-game, you'd have a really solid concept

Yeah I wouldn't make them a smaller character, but visually maybe change the looks a bit. It would be wonky in the game otherwise cause changing the model size midst of the game and making them be far smaller than others would just make it feel horrible to go against aiming wise.

In terms of the aiming I was more thinking how in the sandbox if you go and spawn a bot and just make him mimic your movement, you can see that they are also aiming up when you are shooting up.

I would think that if thrown directly at enemy, they could do some dmg, not necessarily stun or anything, but that would be option there so you can either throw behind enemy or straight at them.

It could also work as instead of being mirrored you could(?) swap it so that there's one right next to you tethered and it would aim where you would aim.

So if the object is mid of you and you aim at it, it would aim at the target. But if you were aiming at further distance, the other one would also turn and aim the same direction.
Add Cho`Gall from HOTS
One have to move and use spells for moving / melee
Second one basically just throws projectiles, has ranged attack