Hero Idea - Mist, Wraith Bounty hunter


New member
I recommend Reading the Included .PDF as it is better formatted and structured. The below text is just copied from the eXcell sheet I created it in. Please pardon any spelling mistakes, not my first language. etc etc.


Inspirations: Vermintide "Saltspire" Repeater Pistol. Paragon Character "Revenant". League Character "Ashe".

Visuals: Model is of a Civil War Army Soldier. With parts of it's Body Blown off & replaced with a Ghastly sight remeniscent of a Mist Wraith. Soldier who Lost Parts of it's Memory Now his OCD is what Drives him to keep fighting. Working only for the highest Bidder so that he may once and for all remember.

[Gun] DPS: Atk/s: 2 Bullet dmg: 34 Reload: 3s Ammo: 8
LMB: Unload: Shoot all Bolts on the rifle Barrel in a Circular Spread pattern. Strong Spread per Bullet. Strong Falloff. Each Projectile deals 80% damage.
RMB: Single-Target: Zooms Camera. Switches to Full-Automatic. Shooting 1 Projectile per shot. Weak Falloff.

[1] Frozen Bolts DPS: Charge buildup: 8% Player hit. 4% Minion Hit.
Mist Infuse the remaining Bolts in her barrel to deal additional Spirit damage, and Cause a 2s Slow which refreshes on each hit.
1 Cost Upgrade: Charge +1
2 Cost Upgrade: Stronger Slow
5 Cost Upgrade: More Spirit damage.

[2] Will-O-Wisps DPS: Health: 200 CD: Duration:
spawn 2 Wisps that hover above Mist for ##s. Each Dealing damage every 1s.
1 Cost Upgrade: +1 Wisp
2 Cost Upgrade: Wisp base Health Increase.
5 Cost Upgrade: Decrease attack interval by 0.5s

[3] Etherial Veil CD: Duration:
for 6s. Become Partially Transparent, Increase Movement speed & allow HERO to walk through objects in the world.
1 Cost Upgrade: Movement speed increase.
2 Cost Upgrade: 20% Damage Resist.
5 Cost Upgrade: 6 HP/s while in Veil. 10% Spirit scaling.

[4] Call of Spirits. CD: Duration:
after a Breif Delay, You and target enemy gets transported to the spirit world for 10s. Enemies inside have their Resistance Reduced. Neither Wraith or Target Enemy can effect the real world. Once the enemy Dies Wraith is brought back to the real world.
1 Cost Upgrade:
2 Cost Upgrade: Increased Resistance Reduction
5 Cost Upgrade: While Wraith is inside Call of Spirits Their Etherial Veil becomes active

Check Image for Visual representation on Gun.


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Author Comments.
A lot can be modified depending on how the character would feel to play. Things such as Removing the zoom on the RMB, Make the RMB be the shotgun and the LMB is the automatic firing method. Basically Roadhog from Overwatch.

Numbers are for the most part ignored with this basic concept. only there to give a general overview of what can be expected. So dont read to much into the numbers.
Only problem I see here is that there is what seems like bullet drop instead of damage falloff. I see the idea you're going for here tho, and I like it.
Warden has a similar Projectile drop. I presume he too has a dmg falloff. Since i Modeled the RMB Automatic projectile After him I forgot to take into account the Damage falloff. If will have a Damage falloff in both Firing modes.

I am unable to edit the first post with that fix, and I need to switch Roadhog to Torbjörn....
Author Comments.
A lot can be modified depending on how the character would feel to play. Things such as Removing the zoom on the RMB, Make the RMB be the shotgun and the LMB is the automatic firing method. Basically Roadhog from Overwatch.

Numbers are for the most part ignored with this basic concept. only there to give a general overview of what can be expected. So dont read to much into the numbers.
only issue I see with changing the RMB being a shotgun and LMB being auto is that Shiv a character playable in sandbox through console who will be coming in the near future has the exact same mechanic. He has no zoom and instead a automatic revolve style shot and a shotgun shot that used 2 ammo.
Shiv a character playable in sandbox... He has no zoom and instead a automatic revolve style shot and a shotgun shot that used 2 ammo.
By the sounds of things the shotguns will act quite differently. Where as Mist would remove 1 Ammo per Projectile shot by the shotgun. I should probably have added it. All is a rough draft.

Basically By using the shotgun mode the player Shoots all Ammo remaining in the Mag. I'm not Certain yet how it will behave in regards to a Higher amount of projectiles in the mag. So far Shotgun will only use up to 8 shots. So if you have 16 ammo from a 100% Ammo increase, then the character will have to shoot twice.

TY for informing me of Shiv. I will try and check them out.