Hero Idea: John F. Kennedy

Deadlock is in dire need of a real hero, and who better to answer the call than the 35th U.S. President.


In a world where the supernatural had become a commonplace, with spirits and robots roaming the Earth, a witch stumbled upon the tale of John F. Kennedy, the 35th U.S. President, in an ancient book. Intrigued by his legacy and eager to gain fame for herself, she set out on a mission to locate his long-lost corpse.
After months of research and magical divination, the witch finally discovered the location of JFK's remains. With a mischievous grin, she began the resurrection ritual, weaving ancient magic to bring the president back to life.

As the spell reached its climax, a blinding light filled the room, and there stood a zombified JFK, his iconic smile and dashing appearance intact. The witch's excitement knew no bounds, anticipating the recognition and admiration she would receive for her incredible feat. However, as they ventured out into the world, the witch quickly realized that no one seemed to recognize the resurrected JFK. Centuries had passed since his presidency, and the world had changed dramatically. People passed by without a second glance, mistaking him for just another zombie.

Frustrated and disappointed, the witch attempted various schemes to prove JFK's identity, but to no avail. In a world where the supernatural was the norm, a resurrected president was hardly a spectacle. Defeated and somewhat embarrassed, the witch eventually gave up on her quest for fame and let the former president go free.

Determined to make a name for himself once again, JFK decided to embark on a new career path. He tried his hand at various jobs, from a used car salesman to a movie theater usher, a nod to one of his early jobs. However, his attempts at using his charisma and wit to succeed in these roles often fell flat, as people found his smile creepy and voice annoying.

JFK, drawing upon his experience from World War II and his time in espionage, decided to try his hand at being a soldier in this new, supernatural world. He approached a local mercenary group, his charming smile and confident demeanor instantly finally winning over the recruiter. With his quick wit, strategic mind, and a touch of that old Kennedy magic, JFK easily fell into the role of a soldier, ready to take on whatever challenges this strange new world had in store for him. And so, with a wink and a nod to his past life, JFK embarked on his new career, a resurrected president turned mercenary in a world where anything was possible.

PT-109 Charge: JFK charges forward, ramming into the first enemy hero he contacts, dealing damage and stunning them briefly.

Profiles in Courage: JFK inspires his nearby allies, granting them increased movement speed and a temporary shield that absorbs damage.

Arm Shot: JFK detaches one of his arms and hurls it forward, dealing damage to the first enemy it hits. If the arm successfully strikes a target, it latches onto them and begins to comically flail, slowing their movement speed and dealing continuous damage over a short duration.
The arm then drops to the ground and can be picked up by JFK or an ally to reattach it, granting them a temporary speed boost. If left uncollected, the arm will hop back to JFK after a brief delay.

A Second Change (Passive): If JFK is killed, his head detaches and continues to bounce around, while his body remains motionless. In this state, JFK can continue to move freely as a bouncing head. To become whole again, JFK must either return to his base or collect his scattered body parts from where he died. If he successfully reassembles himself, he regains full functionality and a portion of his health. However, if JFK's head is destroyed while in this state, he is permanently defeated until the next respawn.

JFK was from the 60's, I think a hero with the concept of "ghost of Theodore Roosevelt" would be more fun/actually make it in the game if they wanna do something tongue-in-cheek
JFK was from the 60's, I think a hero with the concept of "ghost of Theodore Roosevelt" would be more fun/actually make it in the game if they wanna do something tongue-in-cheek
Good Idea. We really need a Cave Johnson type character with lots of charisma and unintended jokes in this game. That kind of inspired me to make a jfk zombie hero.