[Hero Idea] Ivan "The Immortal"


New member
Ivan is USSR soldier that was used as lab rat in secret soviet research facility that was studying nature of soul and creating of weapons using,soul.
Specifically speaking he was used in program named "Легион Кощея"(Legion of Koshey which is,russian folklore lich basically) which whole purpose was making soviet soldiers being immortal as resource,due to soviet army relying on ridiculous amounts of it(especially because of clueless, incompetent and unprofessional commanders and officers loving to throw people on sure death).
To do this,soviet scientist constructed soul box,as many people called it "Phylactery", construction purpose was to hold soul of soldier in box and connect it to body in such way that would allow soldiers to reconnect with this body after its recovery in special medical procedures.But things got wrong and instead of bodies being fully recovered after fatal injuries,soldiers who were put back in body were contained in state between life and death,creating undead soldiers.
Ended up in New York because of being send to win one of Patrons loyalty and maybe achieving of getting wish.
Main desire for Patron:
Allow communism to take over planet.
Weapon - it can be just AK-47(because u know,assault undead is what u want) or Mosin rifle,either 5 bullets,but 1.5- 2 second reload,or just typical 10-15 bullets and standard reload,for melee it can have bayonet on end,maybe in form or of sword(as if they all were Kosheys, because this lich was also good sword fighter)
Clothing is absolutely typical for any soviet soldier,u know,ushanka hat,chanel.
There actually can be a ton of speculations on how u can implement such character,so i guess,i will do several pitches of a different ideas in replies.
So i would like to go with Ult,and depending on different variations of character concept for gameplay it will have different uses.
1:Raise me:
So this ult variation gonna be passive and its gonna be unlocked at the start of game.
Ivan doesn't immediately dies and his body actually stays on ground for 10 seconds and can be healed to raise Ivan from dead(while "dead" can actually press Ult to die,its useful if ur lane partner or urself can't raise u to quicker start death counter).
Ur body also can be picked up by ur ally and slows ally movement for 25%
Also u receive 25% less healing in this state.
T1: Gives Ivan body,rotten aura,dealing damage to enemy's around body in 5m radius.
T1(other variation): Increases Ivan movement and attack speed by 25% after raising.
T2: Gives allies that picked up ur body movement speed of 25% and no longer slows.
T2(other variation): Allows u to enable crawl mode by pressing jump and while crawl u can only do weak melee punches,but u also gain health and can be killed for sure this time.
T3: Allows u to use items when laying on ground.
2:errm,basically Soul Rebirth but on significantly higher cooldown,just regular ult that can be used after death.
T1: Increases Ivan movement speed and attack speed 25% after revive.
T2: Decreases cooldown of all abilities except ult,by 30%
T3: Gives all allies in 10m radius same effects as Heroic Aura gives after activation upon revive.
(Also passive,active at the start of match)
Leaves Phylactery after ur death that can be destroyed by enemy champions.If it wasn't destroyed in 5-6 seconds,u revive with 20% health.After unsuccessful revive goes on 15 seconds longer cooldown,on successful However, decreases cooldown of ability by 15 seconds.
Upgrades for this ability gonna probably be the same as for others two.
Third or seconds ability ideas:
1.Not a step back
There gonna be two variations of this ability,one for your minions and one for your allies.
With this ability u can choose ur minion and shoot it in the head with your secondary,Makarov pistol.It gives different effects to nearby allies,minions and enemy's.If minion was killed, multiplies effects by 1.5.Do gives souls only to u as if u was hitting it with melee.
35 seconds cooldown.
20m range.
To ally minions,it gives 25% increase in attack speed,for enemy minions 25% decrease of attack speed.
To ally heroes gives 15% attack speed and movement speed increase as well as replenishes 1 stamina.
To enemy heroes gives 15% decreased attack speed and gives 15% chance to miss bullet.
2)Ally heroes:
Absolutely same,but instead just deals somewhere around 75 damage to your ally,and gives all those effects.
T1:Makes enemy's also have decreased stamina by 1.
T2:Gives souls to allies for killing your minion/increases effect to 30%(Version for ally)
T3:Now u can use it on enemies,without any effects after shot(basically unmissable shot).
2.Spirit Recruitment
U shoot enemy minion in head with Makarov killing it in process(can't be used on jungle creeps).U take its soul and resurrect its body as your own minion that walks with u.Those raised minions have increased hp and damage that scales of spirit power.
Cooldown 30 sec.
Duration of ability(Minion existence):65 seconds
T1:Gives u 50 max health for every raised minion until it dies or ability ends,scales with spirit(every 20 spirit,increases amount of max health by 30).
T2.Minions heal u for 20% of their damage (visually gives them beam that connects to u.
T3.Deacrese cooldown by 10 seconds.
First ability:
Gains 25% increased movement speed towards observable enemy passively.
Ivan hauntingly but at the same time inspirationaly screams with his undead voice and gains 30% increased attack speed and gains 10% of resistances.
T1:Enemy's deal 10% less damage to Ivan in 10m radius from activation of ability(last 8 seconds)
T2.Restores 1 Stamina.
T3.Gives 25% increased movement speed to your allies and 50% to minions in 10 m radius(as well as for resurrected minions if its your minions from Spirit Recruitment).

2.Undead Power:
Upon activation channels powers from Phylactery into the gun increasing its damage and attack speed by 10% and giving it infinite ammo for duration of ability.Half of dealt damage is spirit.
Duration:6 seconds.
Cooldown 20 second's.
T1:For every killed enemy hero increases damage and attack speed by 5% (stacks 4 times)
T2.Duration increased by 6 seconds.
T3.Lesser health u have,more damage deal(for every 10% of health losed, increases damage by 2%)
Second or Third ability:
1.Soul Eater:
Upon activation draws 50 souls from ur pocket to heal 10 health per soul(can be cancelled in any time of duration).While using ability can shoot,but not use other abilities.Slows Ivan movement speed for 25% for duration of ability.
Duration 5 seconds(basically 10 souls per second)
Cooldown 35 seconds.
T1:Enemy's have -30% healing if attacking u(involves shooting and using abilites)for duration of this ability.
T2.When u have less than 50% health, decreases duration of ability to 3 seconds regardless of duration increases,and increases healed health from 10 to 30.
T3.Enemys take 15% if their damage dealt to u for duration of ability.

2.Devour Soul(aka Death Stare):
Deals small amount of damage to enemy in sight and 8m range for duration of ability.
While deals damage gives Ivan 10% bullet life steal against this enemy,works on minions but gives half of buff.
Duration:6 seconds.
Cooldown:25 seconds
T1.Increases bullet life steal buff to 15%.
T2.Decreases cooldown by 6 seconds.
T3.Every killed enemy(hero or minion), increases amount of heal by 2% for every 2 kills for a short period of time(2 seconds)
I feel like my ideas for kit absolutely doesn't work together or with idea of undead lich,commie soldier,so I would really appreciate if someone helps with ideas for such character concept.Feel free to change everything u want in this concept.
I love the almost Rasputin-like vibe of the character and think it would fit perfect in the setting. Some of the abilities are better than others. I think the dead body being something to play around is interesting, but puts too much power in dying, something everybody needs to avoid. That and the idea of being revivable is pretty meh.

I do LOVE the idea of him being like a horror movie villain that relentlessly chases somebody down and doesn't flinch at damage. The Fearless and Undead Power are both really good ideas. Soul Eater seems ok but should be a much greater heal for losing souls, maybe increase both of those numbers.
For an Ult, I propose a variation of Yamato's ult, where he channels for a second and then becomes unkillable for a time, but perhaps only while looking at an enemy? This could prevent it from becoming the free getaway and instead become something that allows him to secure kills in high-risk areas (say, under the walker)

For a more technical desc. of the ult:

Mystic Fury
Ivan yells "I am Invincible!" while channeling, before surrounding himself with mystic energy
for the duration of the Ultimate (7 seconds at base) he gains:
- Invincibility
- + 5m/s movespeed
- + 30% spirit lifesteal
- + 25% bullet movement slow

Just a cobbled idea, nothing very balanced.

Another idea would be to make Ivan a sort of "false healer" who can provide temporary health to his allies, but that's a whole other can of worms
I do LOVE the idea of him being like a horror movie villain that relentlessly chases somebody down and doesn't flinch at damage. The Fearless and Undead Power are both really good ideas. Soul Eater seems ok but should be a much greater heal for losing souls, maybe increase both of those numbers.
If we are working around idea of unstoppable undead that feels no pain and runs after u relentlessly, being unstoppable force,T3 for Fearless can be having immunity to slows and another 25% movement speed to passive part.
At this point ability may be called "Relentless".
Instead of Soul eater or any other typical healing ability,I realised that to make sure that character is undead and not vampire,we need to make this character basically feeling like its cant be fatigued.
And so I came up with idea of third or seconds ability instead of Devour Soul or Soul Eater.
Ability called... "Tireless"
This ability is one he has from the start,and is passive.
Its main idea is that instead of regular stamina bar, now u have no such thing(u are undead,ur body can't be tired),but ur initial movement speed and distance of dash is scuffed making u hella slow at the start but at the same time allowing u to infinitely use every part of movement system without penalty and catching up and being faster than everyone else at the end.
So now because u have no stamina T2 of Fearless(aka Relentless) can eat 1 stamina from every enemy hero in those 10 m radius they also be givin' damage decrease .
Tireless upgrades is —
T1:For every boon,gain 1m/s.
T2:For every boon,gain 1% resistances(im not sure how much boons can one character have so this is just example)
T3:Every kill gives u Unstoppable for 1,5 seconds(just an example,not sure what to put there).
For minion interaction I will need to think about,I just wanted to add stereotypical thing,but maybe it will be more suitable to other character design.
Will think on more suitable ability.
About Ult,I see ur point about my ult idea,but at the same time,I feel from my personal experience that can't be killed abilities are regularly ones that putting characters through balancing nightmare or making every other part of their kit a lot less viable,but I can see it being a lot more suitable than my idea especially with Tireless T3,even tho if character isn't unstoppable when having such Ult,it doesn't need to be balanced by other things,stun already can gut character with Undying.