Hero idea:Eve


New member
Unnamed screenshot (2).pngimagem_2024-07-08_033710093.png
(As I don't know how to draw well I used the creation program called "hero forge" to demonstrate the look)

Ability 1: Flashback
Creates a duplicate that activates after 15/10/5 seconds, replicating the player's actions up to 5 seconds in the past. Reactivating the ability teleports the player to the duplicate, maintaining the higher life between the current and the 5-second past clone, and resets the cooldown of abilities used in the last 5 seconds (half efficiency on Ability 2).

Level 1: Cooldown: 30s. Duplicate activates after 15s.
Level 2: Cooldown: 25s. Duplicate activates after 10s.
Level 3: Cooldown: 20s. Duplicate activates after 5s, (invulnerable for 0.5s, and clears negative statuses.)

Ability 2: Vital Sacrifice
Consumes 20% of current life to heal or grant temporary life to an ally within 8m, based on their total life.

Level 1: Consumes 20% of life, heals ally for 15%. Cooldown: 20s.
Level 2: Consumes 20% of life, heals ally for 20%. Cooldown: 18s.
Level 3: Consumes 20% of life, heals ally for 25%. Cooldown: 15s. (Allows teleportation to the chosen ally within 3s after use.)

Ability 3: Temporal Inertia
Hitting an enemy reduces their movement speed by 60% for 4s. If the enemy uses an ability during this time, its cooldown increases up to 1.5x.

Level 1: Increases enemy cooldown by 1.2x. Cooldown: 35s.
Level 2: Increases enemy cooldown by 1.35x. Cooldown: 30s.
Level 3: Increases enemy cooldown by 1.5x. Cooldown: 25s. (Steals 15% of current life from an enemy.)

Ability 4 (Ultimate): Temporal Analysis
Standing still for 2s accumulates "stored time" that can be used to reduce or eliminate own or an ally's respawn time.

Level 1: Accumulates 0.5s of stored time per second standing still, maximum of 30s. Cooldown: 160s.
Level 2: Accumulates 0.75s of stored time per second standing still, maximum of 45s. Cooldown: 140s.
Level 3: Accumulates 1s of stored time per second standing still, maximum of 60s. Cooldown: 120s. (+10% vampirism for 30s for the chosen person.)
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