Hero Idea: Dr. Riches the morgue overseer


New member
Dr. Riches was the first overseer of the local morgue.
He was perceived by the people as a very carismatic, caring and generous person.
He was very liked and was tought of as a pillar of the community, comforting the families of the decesead (especially widows which in his eyes were the most fragile living beings, or at least he would say so).
In one specific occasion he adopted an orphan, he renamed him Dan and raised him as his sole son.

Riches was a very thin but tall individual, with pale skin, oblong jawline and a hawk nose. He usually dressed in velvet, prefering the color purple.
In the last years of his life he used a cane to walk around due to his deteorating health. The cane was adorned with his family sigil, a double headed crow.

Under the fassade he was an arrogant, manipulative, snobby and egotistical person, often stealing the possessions of the deceased. Fortunately for him he could hide this very well with his manipulative skills, charm and carisma.

After a period of time, he started to ponder when it would be his turn to be on the death bed at the morgue.
He started to study how certain toxins and fluids affected body decomposition, as he believed death was a process that could be reversed.
If he unlocked the knowledge to cheat death, he could live forever, and even sell it to the wealthy for a price.
After a long time running his experiments by desecrating the remains of cadavers, he could not crack the code. He was only able to stop the decomposition process but not reverse it.

His research pointed to the fact that to reverse the process, a soul had to be still present in the body at the moment of death.
He had no time to further research, as per his studies the reversal process could take months to show signs of body rehabilitation and he did not have more time available.
The only last option was to take a shot and try it on himself.
Without giving too much into details, he instructed his adopted son Dan, completely unaware of the reality, on what he had to do for his father to survive: he should keep his body in the morgue in stasis for six months with an injection of his concoction after three months (even though his research suggested four months of stasis, he was not completely sure of the time it could take). After four months and the carried out injection, Dan was grieving.

Dan decided to look around the morgue to see if his father had left anything that could help this situation. He found the research of his father alongside the logs with names and dates of all the experiments carried out on cadavers, the logs included Dan real parents.

Dan was shook and angry, but he did not want to come forward with this information. He remembered his father as a caring man and he did not want to believe what he had found.
Dan decided to escape and leave all of this behind, knowing his father will be found and buried, without anyone knowing the bad deeds he discovered about his father.

After a couple days, the body of Dr. Riches was found. He was buried in a loculus tomb at the center of the cemetery, next to a monument raised in his name. Maybe he's still alive.

Basic attack: Syringe gun, low recoil 6 bullets.

Ability 1 - Extra concoction
This is a non-lethal skill, enemies health cannot fall below 1 as a result of this skill.
Throw multiple syringes in front of you in a cone shape. Enemies hit by a syringe lose health over time for a duration of 4 seconds.

Ability 2 - Cane jump
Use your cane to jump forward. The skill can be retriggered once within 3 seconds to jump again.

Ability 3 - Cheat death (passive)
If not taking damage for 5 seconds, regenerate 70% of the health you lost in the last 13 seconds.

Ability 4 - Decompose
This is a non-lethal skill, enemies health cannot fall below 1 as a result of this skill.
Channel for 2 seconds while you drink a concoction.
Over the course of 8 seconds release a swarm of putrid flesh around you (aoe) while your body slowly decomposes.
During this period of time you cannot be slowed and your health cannot fall below 1.

Similar looks to Zarok without the headpiece.1000015610.jpg
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