Hero: HEMLOCK - Poison theme


Poison Themed character:

Hemlock, once known as Amelia Blackthorn, was a promising young alchemist who was recruited by a powerful crime syndicate. They honed her skills in poisons and assassinations, turning her into one of their most feared operatives. However, when Amelia discovered the syndicate's true nature and their involvement in numerous illegal activities and were responsible for countless deaths. When she confronted the syndicate's leaders, they betrayed her, poisoning her with her own creation and leaving her for dead.
Miraculously, Amelia survived, her body adapting to the poisons and granting her a natural immunity. Taking on the name Hemlock, she now seeks to dismantle the syndicate and protect the innocent from the criminal underworld.

Possible names:

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  1. Venom Bomb
  • Hemlock throws a poisonous grenade that detonates on impact, creating a toxic cloud that lasts for 5 seconds.
  • Enemies caught in the cloud take damage over time and have their movement speed reduced by 30%.
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds

  1. Poisoned Blade
  • Hemlock coats her daggers with a potent toxin, causing her next 3 basic attacks to deal bonus damage over 3 seconds.
  • Afflicted enemies also have their healing received reduced by 50% for the duration.
  • Cooldown: 12 seconds

  1. Antidote
  • Hemlock injects herself with an antidote, removing all debuffs and granting herself and nearby allies within a small radius immunity to poison effects for 3 seconds.
  • Cooldown: 14 seconds

  1. Plague Mist (Ultimate Ability)
  • Hemlock releases a massive cloud of toxic gas in a large area around her, dealing heavy damage over 6 seconds to enemies caught inside.
  • Affected enemies are also inflicted with multiple debuffs, including a 40% reduction in movement speed, a 30% reduction in damage dealt, and a 50% reduction in healing received.
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds


    Toxic Transformation (Ultimate Ability)
  • Hemlock injects herself with a potent cocktail of toxins, temporarily enhancing her abilities and granting her additional effects for 8 seconds.
  • During this time, her Venom Bomb deals 50% more damage and has a larger area of effect, her Poisoned Blade applies a stackable poison effect that deals increased damage with each hit, and her basic attacks have a chance to apply a brief stun to the target.
  • Additionally, Hemlock gains 30% increased movement speed and 20% damage reduction for the duration.
  • Cooldown: 120 seconds

Hemlock excels at controlling areas and crippling enemies with her poison-based abilities. Her Venom Bomb allows her to create dangerous zones that slow and damage foes, making it easier for her team to engage or disengage. Poisoned Blade grants her a powerful damage-over-time effect on her basic attacks, letting her whittle down enemy health bars while reducing their sustain.

When faced with crowd control or other debilitating effects, Hemlock can use Antidote to cleanse herself and nearby allies, providing a brief window of immunity to reposition or turn the tide of battle. Her ultimate, Plague Mist, is a potent area-denial tool that can devastate enemy teams caught within its radius, making it perfect for initiating teamfights or securing objectives.

To maximize her effectiveness, Hemlock should look to coordinate with her team, using her poisons to weaken enemies before engaging or to cut off escape routes during chases. Her ability to reduce enemy healing also makes her a valuable asset against teams with strong sustain capabilities.
I had a similar poison hero idea with a similar name, but a botanist.
The 1 would plant some flower or something and it wouldn't do much on its own, but it would have a bunch of charges at base and hitting enemies near it would cause the flowers to attack the target, and it would amplify their other abilities, like maybe a thorn whip would cause the flowers to also whip the target. They'd be focused on setting up their garden and controlling space well with area denial. I never made a post about it though. LOL